Healthy Munchies

Discussion in 'General' started by CannabisAndAZ~, Feb 16, 2015.

  1. Tortilla chips and salsa/guac or hummus
    Healthy shit too
  2. #42 Dr. Sheldon Cooper, Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2015
    "natural" pesticides are indeed used in organic farming. They just don't allow synthetic pesticides.
  3. So I'm done with fast foods, processed meat and junk food. I'll keep it lean. Maybe I'll try a subway diet XD
  4. beef burrito make u strong
  5. #45 Buffalo Beano, Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2015
    actually there are several studies that show organic fruits and veggies are more nutritious than non-organic. the most recent one I can think of was a group of researchers in Europe and the U.S. That Just published a study this summer that shows as much. Of course, it's more important to increase the consumption of fruits and veggies regardless if it's organic or not.

    GMOs have also been proven unsafe. Studies have shown GMOs to lead to allergies, tumors, leaky guts, birth defects and so on. And we could also get into ethical issues with modified chickens that are engineered to be so large they can't walk, the farmers that are slaves to banks and GMO manufacturers, the shady practices by Monsanto and the like. I mean, some industrialized countries are banning GMOs. I think that says a lot.
  6. #46 Buffalo Beano, Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 17, 2015
    Having said all of that though, it is more important to eat more fruits and vegetables than it is to worry about the label that's on it. If you can eat organic and non-gmo then you'll be better for it though.

    And don't forget to buy locally. Support your farmers
  7. Indeed, if price is an issue eating any kind of fresh fruits/vegetables is always going to better than eating a hamburger.
  8. fruit salad with fennel seeds mixed in
  9. Anyone ever heard of a place called Cosi? They have some pretty healthy options
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  11. Well every stoner also knows weed has a different effect on people, depending on how high I am like when I eat I just eat because I got the munchies il eat anything honestly, and also for some reason I can't smell stuff at all high it's really shitty tbh like my friend showed me his grow and I couldn't even smell the beautiful plants because I was so fucked off of 8 bong hits.

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  12. Damn 8? I get fucked off of 4 lmao. You're a champ among men my friend :-Q
  13. thanks lol they're not deep bowls though keep in mind. But yeah I smoke way too much weed when I get it, before I moved a month ago I was smoking a little more than an 8th a night.

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  14. Goddamn! Lol, I think im pretty close to that except I only smoke at night after work so it's not as bad as it could be
  15. I love watching a good movie with a bowl of chopped Apples.
    That's my 2nd favourite fruit after pineapple. I don't really get savoury munchies, mostly sweet.
  16. Maltesers

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  17. eat some chocolate covered fruit... but there's nothing like some cookout when you're stoned. not sure if you have that where you're from but it's my favorite 😍
  18. Lol, yeah you know New York has been having a shortage of grills lately. I don't know what the mayor is doing but the people are outraged!

    Kidding of course, but seriously, I love any and everything when I'm stoned. Id eat a horse if I could. Thats what I wanna change though. I dont want to be a fat fattie :-[

    Oh and you have good taste! I love fruit in general, and anything chocolate covered is orgasmic material lol so kudos to you :-D
  19. Gotta show love to the mangos man. Those are my all time favorites
  20. Let's get this whole thing straight here... You can eat whatever you want just keep it in moderation. Gaining weight is all about caloric intake. If you don't care about muscles just go to a medical website and enter you age weight possibly body type. They tell you how many calories you can consume per day. Otherwise anything that comes from the ground is good. If you read the ingredients and you don't know what something in it is you probably shouldn't eat it. That'll make it really easy shopping now a days. Lol

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