Resin: unlocking weed

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by les jus call me light boy, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. #1 les jus call me light boy, Feb 13, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2015
    Marijuana buds are wonderful. Extracts are wonderful. Hash. Yes keef.

    But there is a problem. The wasted THC laden smoke. I suggest that we are wrong about our friend resin.

    Resin has an almost magical capability to produce smoke. I believe that there is a limit to smoking any form of bud that can not saturate a stem, ignite, and make a tiny candle which can make so much smoke I could never take a thick resin hit like Judd..

    Even if you say resin is low in THC, I think that there is more to the story.

    THC content / amount of smoke produced x amount of heavy solids which bind

    Thc content tells you the most important factor, but the amount of smoke produced, and the weight of the air suspended solids are two less discussed attributes

    Resin produces a heavier suspended solid smoke which is likely the reason it was too heavy to journey through the pipe without condensation.

    I think some of this is right and some is wrong.

    Maybe producing smoke with larger mass suspended solids could increase the intake of all organic compounds through the chest. Like for good pot maybe vaping is not making weighty smoke and getting the goo in you is a good thing to enjoy bud, so I suggest higher heat and less pipe surface area making contact. Not the exact opposite.

    Not comedy, just thought please don't laugh at me, it hurts my feelings.
  2. Resin, even if I smoke a lot of it, gets me about half as high as I would with bud. I very very rarely smoke resin unless i'm in a two-week dry spell or something like that. I love bud and nothing else can beat it, not even concentrates. You could argue with me and say that concentrates get you way way more baked, and yes you'd be right, but the act itself of smoking something natural is something that I enjoy. Wax is a concentrate extracted from the marijuana plant (most of you know that), to which I can compare it with blow. Sure it's nowhere near as dangerous, but it's not natural either.

    Just my input is all, apologies for mentioning another drug but I was getting my point across.
  3. I used to smoke resin sometimes, but really it only ever gets me baked for like a half hour and then I'm super burnt for the entire day, not worth it IMO.
  4. All this heavy theory means nothing when you get a headache from smoking resin.  Even mediocre weed is better than the best resin.  Thumbs down - there's no reason for anybody to do it, when you can get decent weed, hash, etc. 
  5. I've taken to washing all of my stuff (my dirty glass, grinders, glass jars, anything glass/metal with resin/kief on it) in 91% isopropyl alcohol, leting the iso evaporate, leaving resin qwiso hash for when I'm dry.

    It's not much better tasting...but i'd say it gets you a lot higher and you have to deal with a lot less nastiness as opposed to just scraping your resin and smoking it as is.

    Sry if this makes no sense, I'm stoned.
  6. when i clean my stuff all the resin goes down the toilet drain fuck that stuff

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