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Marijuana for appetite stimulant to fight anorexia or malnutrition?

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by CountdownToDelete, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. Hey GC, so last year, I was having problems with my appetite and diet.
    I felt like I wanted to eat more food, but I just didn't have the appetite to eat that much food...
    Rather than finishing my whole meal, I wanted to stop eating and just save it for later, or just throw away the rest of my food.
    Or I would rather just taste something that didn't make me full, like smoking weed, drinking tea, chewing gum, something that has flavor but doesn't make me feel full.
    So I was eating less last summer, and by the end of the year, I didn't even feel like eating when I was hungry. I felt like I couldn't afford to pay for food, didn't have enough money for any expensive foods, so I would only get the cheapest food I could find, so that I wouldn't run out of money.
    At the same time I had serious pains in most of my whole body, particularly around my jaw or my teeth, but also in my ankles, knees, back and shoulders. Well, it felt like my whole skeleton was just entering a new developmental state, where I don't think I'm growing anymore in terms of height or weight. But no doctor or medical advisor said that anything was wrong, I got x-rays of my teeth at the dentist and they said it's healthy.
    Regardless considering my age, I think some growing pains are normal. I only thought that it was related to smoking cigarettes because I had pain in my jaw, even though the pain might or might not have been caused by smoking. There's no direct correlation, and I'm pain-free right now, even though I've been smoking my pipe for the last several days.
    But my main question is:

    Can marijuana be used as an appetite stimulant to treat anorexia or malnutrition?
    I'm not a doctor so don't think just because I'm relating marijuana to an appetite stimulant, that you can get a prescription from me. I'm just asking the question.

  2. Yes munchies aren't made up and it's your choice what to eat, it doesn't have to be junk food when you munch out
  3. I have been consuming lots of lipid fats via sunflower lecithin ( mixed with vitamin C)  lately- talk about not feeling hungry, that stuff knocks the hunger way down though still feel like I am getting nutrition...
    as to your question...  if you have access why not eat raw cannabis along with using the dried form for medicine. think of it as raw for food and dried for medicine. or try using the essential oil of cannabis taken daily ( that is the best form of medicinal cannabis with the highest concentration of ((can't go wrong)) in it)

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