Rather funny story?

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by GirlInTheWornderland, Feb 10, 2015.

  1. One time my friend and I made a fire and was chilling listening to music, talking, and cuddling. All the sudden I feel something hit my back and I freak out, jump up and take my shirt off.

    A slimy tree frog jump on to my back, now not to sound like a scary car but I hate frogs touching me so I freak out worst because its if this frog knew I hated being touched. IT FUCKING JUMP BACK ON ME. And I scream like a little girl and yelling at my friend to get it off me as he is laughing his ass off.

    I ended up getting the frog off but I refused to sit by the fire anymore that night I just wanted to go inside away from frogs
  2. I once paid a hooker for her caffeine addiction to give me a bareback blowjob in a park for some like random tabs with a shit ton of filler

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