How long until withdrawals end? Im using a vaporizer.

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Munch Master 2000, Feb 4, 2015.

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  1. Yeah the worst thing you can do is sit around and think about it and mope around. You need to get motivated do some pushups go for a walk bike ride any thing to get your heart going a little endorphins will raise up and it will be a little easier. 

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  2. Ok so weed isn't physically addictive but it can be psychologically addictive. Some of the "withdraws" can be do to a couple of things. Dehydration can cause diarrhea so drink up also the shitty feeling could be do to all the crap stoners eat while high. Try and eat some veggies/good for you stuff and try and avoid the urge to over eat.

    I would recommend taking some vitamins especially b-complex it'll help with the grogy feeling sometimes associated with coming down. A good warm shower always helps me with that come down feeling. The irritability I have yet to find something that works well a lot of people I know smoke cigs for that, which I don't condone.

    Basically take it easy try and relax get some fresh air when need be and most of all try and keep yourself busy so you just dont think about it.

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  3. withdrawals a few days to a week but seriously man you gotta stop smoking daily if you wanna get a good high again id recommend only smoking a few days a week to keep that tolerance lower.

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  4. Psychosomatic effects are not symptoms of withdrawal, they are symptoms of underlying problems that were masked by your drug use. Quitting weed and experiencing these symptoms at the same time doesn't necessarily indicate causation.
    Psychological addictions are not generated by the object so much as they are by the individual. Think about it.
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  5. 1. Water. Plenty of it.

    2. Simple multivitamin

    3. Moderate daily excercise

    4. A good dose of melatonin or liquid valerian root (I take 8mg of melatonin or two droppers of valerian) about 45 min to 1.5 hrs before bed.

    Repeat for at least a week. Even after a year of moderate smoking, it takes 21 days or less for me lose all negative effects. "withdrawals" seems a bit strong a word for what I experience, but everyone is different.

    Ignore the folks who consider your experiences preposterous. It's easier for them to bash something they don't understand than to practice empathy.

    Good luck brother, and don't worry. This, too, shall pass. Lol. Just give it time.

  6. This fellow speaks truth as well. You can be your worst enemy. Mind over matter, in many cases, is all you need.
  7. Try smoking out of something else, you should be good
  8. you got some weed thats been messed with and stepped on. 
    the most severe effects it causes it insomnia and problems with eating. pretty much thats it. 
    10% of users become dependent on it, which is different from withdrawal. you'll no longer be dependent from weed in about 1-2 weeks. 
  9. You'll nver get a high as ur 1st time? speak for yourself 
  10. bro something's fucked with your weed or you have a bad addictive personality. I was high everyday for a year or two when I was younger and only "withdrawal" was everything seemed profoundly boring
    all I could think about was how much better it'd be if I was baked
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  11. whoa dude, you should never try anything harder than weed if you get withdrawals...

    I mean, we all get the "I'm not hungrys, I'm not sleepys" and the "I'm kinda grumpys" shoot, even people who never smoked weed get 'em.

    Exercise man. It's a cool cure all.
  12. Hrmmm
  13. withdrawls could be a real thing if your mind makes it . You cant physically be addicted but being away from it for so long makes your body readjust to normal which depending on the persons body could be shorter or longer then other peoples withdrawal
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