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Drug Test coming up, how can I pass?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by veronicablah, Feb 2, 2015.

  1. #22 Tokewithscience, Feb 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015
    Haha you take things really seriously, I like that. Whatever you want to call it's my opinion that she's fucked and your opinion that I'm wrong, and those are equally valid in a community space. I'm not going to sugar coat the truth because she's in a shitty situation.

    No I've never had to get clean in a short amount of time because I'm not an idiot and I plan ahead, you should try it sometime! My older brother tried all that detox shit when he got tested for jobs and stuff and failed every time. That dumbass must have spent more money on rip-off detox products than he even spent on bud XD In my experience, it doesn't work. You think it does? Be my guest and give out bad advice; that doesn't bother me in the least. ;)
  2. #23 ApeVape, Feb 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015
    Sugar coating the truth? You sound like one of those non-ambtious fools that just give up easily. She can beat her drug test in a day. I wasn't talking about detox drink. Certo is a jello mix.
    I've planned ahead more times than you can count pal, I smoked 2 days before a test, did the certo jello mix, and I passed. Funny that you call your brother a dumbass, it looks like it runs in the family. 
    If it doesn't bother you, then why are you even debating about this with me? Sounds like a shred of you must care a little bit.
  3. You engaged me first, good sir, I honestly find this very amusing. You refuse to give even an inch and keep adding epicycles upon epicycles to try to save your indefensible position. It's like a game! I love games...

    You smoked two days before a test and passed with your magic jello? Yup, and I had a three way with Emma Watson and your great grandmother. Funny how we're all hotshots on the internet, huh hotshot?
    Why? I have no reason to give in because I'm right. Hey don't be jealous that I was successful and that you're retarded family member was too stupid to do some research. If you knew anything about human biology and how the jello mix blocks thc from showing up in you're urine you wouldn't be acting like a condescending ignoramus. 
  5. First and foremost *your. Learn how to English.

    My brother was a dumb ass and it really doesn't bother me that you keep pointing it out, I haven't spoken to him in 20 years.

    If only you knew how much education I have in the field of biology... :D you think my username is for shits and giggles? I won't even go there though, as I said were all hot shots on the internet... That's why I'm so jealous of how uber successful you are haha! XD

    Also brownie points for knowing what an ignoramus is, I might have been impressed if you didn't also have the grammatical skill of a 2 year old.
    OOOO wow, you act like you've never seen a typo before.
    Awww, how sad. Wait a minute, if you haven't spoken to him in 20 years, then how would you know any of this info about his drug tests? (How does it feel being caught in your own lie?)
  7. It feels pretty great considering all of those drug tests happened when he was still living at home.

    Good try though, keep desperately clawing at any hint of contradiction! Yes, let the butthurt give you strength!
    Well, at least you're able to admit that you're full of shit.
  9. Either you lack the ability to comprehend that people live past age 30 or your poor grammar is equaled only by your poor reading comprehension.
    You just don't know when to quit do you? You're too damn arrogant to admit that there are last minute ways to beat a drug test, but you can't accept that due to the fact that you've already made up your mind. 
  11. Yah I never figured out when to quit. Of course there are last minute solutions to pass a drug test, however in my opinion they're not terribly effective. That's all I was ever saying, however you were lookin for a fight and I was happy to oblige.

    It was lovely trolling you, sorry the op won't sleep with you even after you white knighted this whole thread for her.
    The last minute solutions your idiot brother used didn't work. The one I gave her does work.
    Not to worry about it, your mom is sleeping with me right now. 
  13. that whore! I told her to only sleep with me!
  14. Sucks having a small dick, doesn't it?
  15. Who said anything about having a dick?
  16. Yo mama
  17. Lying bitch, she's eaten me out enough to know better.
  18. ^^^yall niggas are so stupid lol
    to the OP...the university is making you pass a DT or is it the court system (haven't been in this situation before)?
    if its the university that's bogus as dick, maybe because its a private university I think?
  19. Thank you lol... sorry just got onto this but yea theres always a last minute way and what the fuck do you mean make better choices? Is this not a weed forum? Are we all not doing the same shit? Don't act like because your lucky enough to have not been fucked and are in a less hot place that your somehow above the law. No one is. I was being as safe as possible. I did what I did everyday, 6 times a day, for the past 3 years and the only reason I got caught was because there was a non stoner who tagged along who ran at the cops screaming and made them notice us in the dark. I made the same choices anyone else on this forum does. And sorry if I didn't post in the drug thread this I legitimately signed up for this site just to post this, I hand never been on grass city forums before. I was just looking to calm down my anxieties, and luckily at least one person (thank you) has made this all less stressful for me. And clearly you don't know shit because that cranberry juice your shit talking? I just got a negative on a home drug test. I'm excersizing, sweating like crazy and drinking that shit and I'm going to pass next week. Also, a forum is BOTH a community of informations and opinions, as well as advice giving. Telling me i'm fucked is not advice at all. What does that help me. so fuck off my thread please
    I bought Paulo Azul tea online, so I'm not sure whether to use that or the certo. I heard great things about Paulo Azul. Thanks for your help :)

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