scary trips

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by skibo478, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. My scariest trip was when i was a new smoker (it actually was my second time smoking). Anyway, me & my 2 friends (let's call them "Kobe" and "Fred")smoked 2 blunts of some really good stuff, and we hotboxed Kobe's car. We chilled for a good 5 minutes and as soon as i stepped out the car and stood up, it hit me HARD. Its like i felt my brain drop to my feet and i instantly start panicking. My friends are dying, but after i told them i was serious, they put me back in the car with the windows rolled down. I looked at Fred and as i stared at him his face started to morph into a demonic smile. I slapped him & took off from the car, running anywhere but towards the car. After that i blacked out, but they said they found me at a local Zaxby's at a booth sleep. Crazy story.
  2. When you're high, and listen so music, it's as if some sounds start to sound scary in the song, especially if it's sad music or you're I just listen to happy music or I sketch the fuck out lol :D
  3. Lol "trips"
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  4. You don't even know what a real trip is......
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  5. #5 Tryptamine, Feb 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2015
    I'd love to talk about scary trips but here is not the place. I have had one scary weed experience where I noticed my heat beating fast and thought I was going to die, but I think that was my 2nd or 3rd time, and nothing scary since then

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
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  6. A bad weed "trip" is nothing lol. The worst I've had was I kind of had a panic attack because I thought I forgot how to breathe, then I realised I was breathing just fine and had another bowl.
  7. When i first started smoking i would sometimes get this thing i call the grids. It was the weirdest thing ever basically my vision was like looking through grid paper and it tripped mr the fuck out. I think it had something to do with my minor visual snow.
  8. I wouldnt go as hard to say its a scary trip, maybe a bit intense or uncomfortable.

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