How is it that we can buy things with money

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by Youngbudder420, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. Now stay with me because I know i sound crazy just from the title but think about this.
    How is it that we can buy tangible items with a currency with no real tangible backing ?

  2. I dont know about that but i do feel a higher power at work here...
    Or maybe i need to get off this bong and to bed :bongin:
  3. No really magic. They keep printing it like it's magic. Enjoy it while you can.
  4. Things we own have value. Some wise ass decided to print paper to represent their value.
  5. Let's say I have cows and you have chickens. I can come to you and ask to trade some milk for an egg but if you're lactose intolerant and you can't have milk, I can't trade you anything else for that egg. But the thing is i reallllly need eggs because I have them for breakfast everyday and proteins are important.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. Gold standard. Our money is suppose to reflect our countrys gold reserves. Value of the gold equals value of the dollar. Of course, anymore theyre just pretty much printing it willy nilly and our debt is in the trillions.
  7. What Daffy said. Except that our Gold Reserves haven't been audited in 40 years, and some have said we sold it to the Chinese for guess what? American Dollars............. That sounds like somehting our elected assholes would do.
  8. You seen Trailer Park Boys? I loved Ricky's hash coins idea. Their value would go up depending on the level of sobreity of the person who you were dealing with.
  9. We as a society have come together and decided it was how we would do things. People who don't agree with society are..."removed."

    Be it in jail or socially.
    They're isolated.

    It's weird I know.


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