Tap water and carbon filters

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by Hated, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. #21 nativetongues, Feb 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2015
    So you say that it's poor logic to look at fluoride rates and lifespans yet bring up japan. Just a little life tip. If you are reading a website that is devoted to solely one issue there's like a 95% chance that website is just complete bullshit. The way you know article like this are bullshit is that they basically will never source anything they say or reference any of the statistics in the supposed "research" it is being based off of. Unless you are in an area that has more than 4 mg/l of fluoride then you might face some consequences but most water in America is between 1 and 2 mg/l. According to pretty much most major studies there starts to be some minor issues after you get past 4 mg/l. If you get to 10 mg/l then there starts to be major problems like skeletal fluorosis and dental fluorosis. There is basically nowhere in the us where fluoride levels are even remotely this high. Read this. Fluoride is really not that harmful. Am I 100% advocating that fluoride is necessary, no. But, don't let chemophobia blind you from the fact that fluoride levels are not high enough in this country to have any major impacts. http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/dwq/chemicals/fluoride.pdf
    Show me the mass cancers that are occurring? I can easily show you the devastation that lead and asbestos which were used in mass had. There legacy still is with us today. Show me the clusters of cancers, the dying. You can't.
    You have this idea of something you don't understand and think its harmful.
    I will keep on drinking tap water thank you very much, just like the 300 million plus Americans do as we speak.
    Whats funny is you can't get away from it either. Open a can of Coke...there using large volumes of tap water generally to make that. Drink a cup of Starbucks...your getting some fluoride. Ever opened up a can of soup....you really believe that soup was made from some non fluoride water. Had a cup of tea anywhere? List goes on.
    The nature of the person who believes in this bullshit is not changeable. If there is a conspiracy and you present volumes of information to dispel the dolts still believe it. They will use arcane means to still believe in it. You could literally prove it if you could in front of them and they still will grip on to the issue.
    A example are vaccines. You have no idea how many vaccines I have had due to the military in the past and deployments. Half the time inadequate records were kept so next year I would get them all over again. Pneomnia, flu, japanese flu, avian flu, small pox, 8 anthrax shots and about 2 dozen more of various kinds.
    The effects...I am not sick in fact stellar health. I still run everyday many miles and doing just fine.
    I never mentioned cancer anywhere in any of my posts, thank you very much. I never said it causes cancer or is nearly as bad as asbestos or lead. I never said anyone died from fluride, I did say it was toxic though.
    You think I don't understand it? How can you know that? Because I only spent three minutes looking for simple articles to back me up? I've done pleanty research on the harmful effects of fluride in the past, thank you very much.
    "Like the 300 million other americans", Once again, poor logic to have. The old saying "If everyone jumped off a bridge" could apply here, but I feel thats too cliche. 42 million americans smoke tobacco on a regular basis, I suppose your one of them? Oh wait, That justs as bad as lead and asbestos when it comes to cancer.
    Funny, because I can and do get away from it. I don't consume any of what you just mentioned. I don't go to restruants or anything often either. I'm not overly paranoid of fluride as it may seem, but I generally avoid it whenever possible.
    Your damn straight my believes are not changable. Fickle people tend to be brainwashable morons. I tend to do all the thinking and research on my own, not have someone tell what is right and what is wrong. I am not a conspiracy theorist by any means, no. The only "conspiracy" I believe in is that tap water is indeed bad for you. The real hardheaded one here is you. There is two sides to every argument, and you refuse to see the other side. There is tons of research to back me up. As a matter of fact, I'm going to spend 5 minutes gathering up a bunch of articles against your argument. Feel free to read them and tell me what you think after:
    http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/news/features/fluoride-childrens-health-grandjean-choi/ (<- HARVARD study)
    http://www.cancer.org/cancer/cancercauses/othercarcinogens/athome/water-fluoridation-and-cancer-risk (Because you brought in cancer)
    This was done in what.. Five minutes? If that? I can dig alot deeper if these articles aren't enough solid evidence for you.
    You may be physically healthy, but what about mentally? Perhaps you could be smarter if you stayed away from the kitchen sink. A few studies in there show that it actually causes IQ to drop. It's funny, because I was the top in my class, yet I always drank double filtered water. I wonder..
  5. The documentary, "Tapped", is excellent.  This is a trailer for it.  
  6. I drink r/o water with the mineral put back in.  I don't think it gets any better.
    I'm concerned with the amount of chemicals in our tap and what it does to our gut microbes.  There's a reason we don't use tap water in an organic grow, mainly chlorine/chloramine.  I like my microbes.
  7. #28 nativetongues, Feb 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015
    I don't understand how you can say that you are not a guillible person and then link dr mercola, infowars, and fluoride alert as legitamate sources. These are not sources that can be trusted, on well really anything. The problem is saying a statement like fluoride in tap water causes cancer is stupid and means nothing. You have to talk about what levels of fluoride will cause cancer. Pretty much any study that has ever been done has found no significant increases in cancer until you hit a level of about 10 mg/l and even then it is not majorly significant. People don't realize that fluoride at 1 mg/l is completely different from water at 10 mg/l. Concentration is important when it comes to toxicity. Anything can be toxic if it is in high enough concentrations, even water. Even the America cancer society article you linked clearly states that they found no significant increases in the
    level of cancer after the introduction of fluoride. Do you think that Alex jones is more reliable than the world health organization? The problem is relyin on news articles to determine a scientific issue. Most science articles are complete and utter bullshit because they will sensationalize the findings of most studies. The best way to really understand an issue is not to read articles but to read the actual studies yourself. I'm telling you that I have personally spent several hours on medline researching the topic after a blade bought this up in Pandora's box a while back. Of course I haven't seen every study but a lot of the major studies made it pretty clear that fluoride levels are not high enough to really have negative effects on people. If you really want me to find links I can look but it's hard to link stuff on medline because you need permission to access a lot of the stuff. I'm not saying it's completely irrational to be skeptical of fluoride. The problem is that you should really do the research and see the statistics yourself because the evidence isn't there to show that. fluoride in tap water is harming individuals. If you can find any direct studies with good methodology that prove your point then let me know, but so far what you have linked is not very convincing. Dr Mercola and Alex Jones are snakes who are just looking to make a quick buck off people's paranoia.
  8. #30 nativetongues, Feb 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015
    You strike me as someone who is reasonable. This is not any more convincing than anything I've already seen posted. Material like this is garbage because it make claims that are not scientific. Scientists don't say thinks like fluoride causes this. They say based on this evidence we believe which is a huge distinction. Things like this start from a conclusion, that fluoride is bad, and work backwards to prove that point through whatever means possible. They will cherry pick quotes, data, and exaggerate moderate claims to fit their own viewpoint. This is why you can't read others interpretations of scientific studies. You have to read to the source material to get any sense of what's really going on. Stuff like this almost always oversimplifies and exaggerates the scientists claims because "fluoride will kill you slowly" gets a lot more clicks than "scientists say that there might be some minor negative impacts like dental fluorosis if fluoride levels exceed 4 mg/L." Of course the latter is too long to be a news title but you get my point.
  9. #31 sleepingblade, Feb 6, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
    I'm not too picky with water. I drunk Brita filtered water all day with no taste issues.

    My father (mountain born) is extremely picky about water. He installed a filter system, froze the water and observed the fucking bubbles and white color in the ice and kept adding more filters until the water froze like a solid piece of glass, not ice cube size, cup size. I admit that water tasted fucking great, i just don't want to install so many filters under my sink. It's not even my house.
  10. LEF has a pretty damn good track record so i tend to trust them as a source. I have loads of mercury in my teeth so I dont particularily trust any regulatory agency with my health (i have gone through the data on mercury). I try to pick my battles, i dont have time or care to thoroughly research every claim I come across. I hope the steps I take to improve my health will offset the potential dangers of that which i am ignorant. Chemicals are in the air, water, food etc, i cannot hope to indentify and protect myself from them all.
  11. #33 nativetongues, Feb 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2015
    This last phrase you use indicates a problem that I feel exists in most people in this country. No shit chemicals are in the air water and food you drink because everything is a "chemical". I understand that you are most likely referring to "toxic" chemicals but it's language like this that confuses the common people and often leads to chemophobic blind hatred of a molecule because it resembles something they've been told is toxic. The problem is that the slightest chemical difference can have incredible differences in terms of reactivity. Take for example the difference between methamphetamine and aderral. You literally add one methyl group and the difference in reaction is immense. Even more extreme is na metal vs sodium ion. The only difference between the two molecules is an electron. One blows up in water and one dissolves in water. Norse you have to understand that it is very suspicious to say things like fluoridation of water leads to increases rates of cancer and not reference the source statistics. It could literally be a 1 percent increase at extreme fluoride levels but well have no way of knowing because the author does not reference the source material which is what a good science reporter would do. The author is either being purposely vague or is being lazy which makes it hard for me to take it at face value. The problem with readings what others have to say about a study is that you can't see if the methodology they use is valid unless you read the study yourself. It's often a bad sign when someone is reporting on a study and not reporting any of the raw data that the scientists based their conclusion on. It's simply just bad science writing and generally indicates a lack of reliability and depth. I'm not just saying this because I want to disprove your point, but rather pointing out something I've noticed from my experiences in life. At the end of the day it's just my .02 though.
  12. I understand what you are saying. I never claimed it caused cancer so i dont know where you got that idea, i just said i dont think its harmless. I am aware minute differences lead to vastly differing characteristics. Such as h2o and h2o2.

    Ill use mercury as my example. There is supposedly a threshold under which its considered relatively safe. However all the literature ive read says exactly the opposite. Since i cannot cheaply remove the mercury from my teeth, i found increasing my glutathione levels can aid in the disposal of toxic metals.
  13. #35 Uncle_Meat420, Feb 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2015
    they use UV light treatments also. Exactly what the sun does to water when it sits in a lake
    In case you didn't know. UV light penetrates the nucleus of bacterial cells thus breaking their DNA strand.
    And that seep in the rock face could be just as dirty. Tons of small rodents could have fallen into that crevasse that water is seeping out of. Whats more is how many dead animals are contained in the snow bank that seep is coming from? Small animals fall into wilderness streams all the time. We found this one camp we now call dead rabbit camp because literally right at the camp site there was a rabbit who was pinned under a fallen log in the river, with blood and feces pouring out of him, right into the lake everyone was taking water from. 
    Bears like to shit on ridge tops too, which is where snow melt trickles down from
  14. I hear ya. I'm lucky i have a castiron stomach hehe. I never start out my day with out my portable water filter. Its a necessity for me I work in the woods and can only pack so much weight so i must refill often. I start out with a half gallon and refill if possible. Always hoping the blue lines on my topo have water in them..
  15. I like reverse osmosis water

  16. "scientific evidence" you guys are no different then religion.

    Cut fluoride and chlorine and the other baddies out of your system for a month and see for yourself instead of denying everything because you grew up being told fluoride is safe and good for you.

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