US Congress.. CLOSED?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Royal Vengeance, Jan 30, 2015.

  1. yea, humor section of both sites lol
    Very last line of the Huffington Post one..
  3. Operational savings aside, where's all the graft money gunna go ;)
  4. Ok good I'm on a app for news coverage and just get the story not the entire articles

    *egg on face* wanna delete mods?

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forumlll.
    Man, I thought you were joking too.
  6. Hoping not to, it is a funny article and I thank you for the read, but if you insist. :smoke:
    don't let him off the hook that easy!
    give us at least another day to poke fun at him..

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