Rand Paul

Discussion in 'Politics' started by marleysoccer, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. do u think he should run as Green Party or Republican Party, and why

  2. #2 yurigadaisukida, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
    It doesn't matter because he wont be allowed to run unless he sells out to the banks

    Edit: by my own logic I guess he should run for a third party. There Is no way he can win the Republican nomination

    But if he rubs third party he won't be elected

    Either way the banks chose our leader

  3. welp. fuck the system i suppose..
  4. "The tree of liberty must BS refreshed from ttime to time with the bblood of patriots and tyrants"

    Like humanity, government cannot be controlled or contained.

    If history proves one thing, its that it repeats itself. Its a cycle.


  5. What do you think?
  6. i would prefer green party if it is possible to win running green. i think green has a better grasp on how to deal with the government, present and future, than general libertarian thought, but i do think rand is the only one with a chance of winning that is out to gut the bureaucracy and hypocrisy.. if green can't win, i do believe he could win the election running as a republican, so i would vote for him in that case as well. and i think congress will be more likely to work with him [change] than they have been with obama. i was thinking about his vice prez [although i also wondered if he could win as a vice himself running green with hillary], and julián castro was on the daily show last night. it would be interesting if the ticket [green or repub] was a repub [paul] and a dem [castro] together. i do feel like he's got to really really campaign, get on tv [like right now], utilize the internet [shouldnt rly cost much money], etc
    my number one tip for him would be to promise marijuana legalization, full or at least medical, across the whole country. that will get hime votes, and as we all know, marijuana wakes up the sheep, so its a good thing
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UrwGSLl780o&spfreload=10
  8. He's not anywhere near as great as his dad...he may as well stay republican...he's not really willing to be radical like his dad...at least he's somewhat better than most politicians/republicans, so he at least can help move the party in the right direction somewhat, introduce some talking points which are beneficial. 
  9. if u could suggest anything to Rand, what would it be?
  10. #10 yurigadaisukida, Jan 28, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2015
    run as a moderate Democrat.

    Forget about some of his conservative ideals like abortion and gun rights, and focus on selling the "end the fed" campaign to the liberal.

    After all, liberals hate capitalist corporations. The capitalist class literally is the bankers. The bankers are the reason we can't have nice things. They are the ones stealing money from the working class.


    Edit: the banks actually steal from everyone. Even CEOs of giant corporations are slaves to the manipulations of currency as a whole.
    Republican party, because he's an establishment republican.
  12. ya. i realize he hasn't come as cutting edge as his father, that he's more or less "playing the game" to be elected as a repub.
    maybe him and the old man should smoke a bowl 

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