Piece of shit stole my money

Discussion in 'General' started by hykse, Jan 27, 2015.

  1. #1 hykse, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
    i was looking to score and this friend of mine who is currently out of town, gave me the number to a friend of his and told me that he could hook me up. 
    i contacted the guy and met him the day after. i gave him equivalent to 160-170 USD and was told that i had to wait a day or two. after about 4 days, i started asking what was going on to which he replied: "just wait, i'll let you know when it's done" 
    after 5 days, he stopped returning my messages, and after a week, i realized that he had shit on me.
    what should i do? i know the guys adress, his moms number, what school he goes to and where he works out after school. 
    from what i hear from our common friend, he's not really an agressive guy, he's smaller than me, but i'm scared to go beat him ut (never fought before).
    how should i handle this? i was thinking that i'd just wait for him to come home from school outside his house and confront him, but it's not really tempting to sit in the rain for several hours.
    i'm not letting this slide. i've done that before and every time, i end up feeling like a pussy.
    FUCK. i just hate dealing with these people i order to have a nice time on the weekend. 

  2. Confront him. If he doesn't help you, call his mother and tell her how much money her son owes you.
  3. If you call his mom hes gonna consider you as a bitch. And its your fault dude, you shouldve never trusted a dealer even if its your friends dealer. You cant just give him 165 and let him walk away without giving you product. Thats foul man, next time you should ask for the product up front and tell him what you need and when he gets it thats when you give him the money. But yo, just wait in front of his house. Make sure you bring something to protect you with **dont plan on using anything until he pulls something out. Which he might not ** but, wait in front of his crib even though it might suck. Call him, and if the fool doesnt pick up, wait till he gets home and you'll be there. Then you tell him again, cause that's fucked. Ive been in that position before . And why dont you get there half hour early not several hours early so you wont get tired of waiting and forget about your money. Even though you wont, you gotta be confident and man up, maybe this is one of your life obstacles that you gotta pass through. It might turn out good or might turn out bad, but its better than someone ripping you off and you not doing anything big about it. Tell that fool that he OWES you about a half oz. And bring a scale. And make sure its not some schwag or mids make sure its LOUD.
  4. Never front money.
  5. Yeah man you gave money go a guy u didn't know that we'll? A friend of a friend... He definitely got over on you.. Talk to him (in person) see what the deal is or what excuse he has.. If he doesn't that your money give him an ultimatum.. My money 5 days from now or else.. (figure out what to do I can't promote violence on this forum is against the rules) come the 5 days confront him again if he doesn't have it take care of business....

    Beating him up won't get your money back.. Say u do fight him and win.. That doesn't really solve anything but it will make it so he doesn't do it again.. You could also take the kid way and after fighting him call his mom and tell her he did something fucked up or stole Ur dad xbox or some shit and he owes u a buck 5o.. Don't mention weed to her unless u have too..

    I wouldn't really go to his mom tho that's up to you
  6. why you asking, you know what to do! kids probably cowering wondering what you're going to do. unless of course he thinks your a bitch. find him and confront him face to face that will give you a real good idea on what his intentions are going to be and do what you have to do accordingly.
  7. Yeah man, if you dont say anything hes gonna consider you as a weakling. So just get balsy, you gotta take control
  8. Yeah man hit him up tell him you need your money let him know if he doesn't give it within a few days you have all his information and you'll get it back yourself
  9. Jesus said,
    "If someone slaps you on one cheek, turn to them the other also. If someone takes your coat, do not withhold your shirt from them."
    So give him your entire bank account. That'll fix him.
  10. i stood outside his place in cold rain for two fucking hours and he didn't show.
    i honestly dont care that much about the money. it's more about pride. and right now, i just feel like such a shitty, little, retarded pussy for not doing anything.
    it's the 4-5 fucking time this happens. but i keep trusting people so easily and i dont learn from my mistakes. i hate myself.
  11. #11 AsthmaticStoner, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
    Seems like you haven't learned from your pass mistakes. Live and learn. Make that money back and find someone new to go through. Might want to consider staying away from your friend. $200 isn't really anything to risk yourself for.

    Next time make sure the transaction is all at the same time. Don't give anyone money ahead of time. That should be a red flag right there
  12. Call his mom. Who cares about looking like a bitch. If she doesn't know he sells weed or is pretending to, it'll create some problems for him. You may even get your money back.
  13. Lmfao this has happened 4-5 times and you continue to give people money. If people are legit they won't ask you to do that. Think about it, if they are supposed to be a dealer and don't have the money to grab - a half ounce I'm assuming - then why would you give them your money?
  14. i'm thinking about quit because of this. about half of the people i meet are assholes, and it's pretty much impossible to score some without fronting.
    i had a good contact for a while that sold decent stuff to a slightly high price for a while, but he has stopped responding to my messages. i think he might be on probation or something, since he got caught with 20 xtc pills.
    he's not a dealer. he supposedly knew a guy who knew a guy. my friend (who i trust completely) told me he was not the type to steal stuff. i took a little portable speaker as pawn (probably not worth more than 40$), but i just got carried away, since i was eager to score.
  16. #16 CanadianOrganic, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
    Wow. Well, now you know not to be a sucker.
  17. study his routine, his comings and going. strike at night, or in the daytime if you want to really get the point across. people might stare, but seriously, they only pick their jaws up off the floor and call the cops once its over, just walk away at a brisk pace like nothing happened. dont be too mouthy either, just say enough to make yourself clear.
  18. #18 fromTheOldCountry, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
    Do not give someone your money up front. I do that with real friends only, you know the kind that will show up to help you work on your car or on your house.
    Do you really want to get locked up for touching him, hypothetically I wouldn't do anything that could be traced to me. That doesn't mean I wouldn't do anything.
  19. #19 BloodBooger, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
    Well...officer. It seems nobody on this site was dumb enough to give you a legitimate hook up. Better luck next site.

    NOBODY'S that fuckin stupid. 4th or 5th time? WTF
  20. #20 BuryMeInTrichs, Jan 27, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2015
    Someone robbed a friend of mine about 8 years ago for an oz of dro... I didnt know who it was but I found out where they lived, and their phone number.... told them that it was MY weed they had stolen and proceeded to tell them their own address, what kind of cars they had, a few other things I probably shouldnt mention, just to spook em.
    got em to pay us 500 dollars for an oz he was selling them for 350
    and the best part is I didnt want to have to deal with them, so I got them to go through the taco bell drive through (of which I always hooked the manager up with bud) and pay 500 dollars for one taco. Swear on my life.

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