Questions about buying glass off a marketplace

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by trixman22, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. So does anyone have any experience buying glass off of a glass market place such as Boro Market or Craigslist, or Nuggerty classifieds? Basically buying off of an individual you met online?
    When doing this and the person is not local what steps are taken to make sure both parties don't jack each other? Things I have come up with are Half payment up front and half upon delivery. Is there a escrow website that will not release the funds until given the ok?
    The guy I have been talking with is super chill and has answered my thousands of questions and seems legit looking on his InstaGram. The Toro ISF I would be getting from him is actually one of his lower end pieces(fucking crazy glass collection). I have trust issues with people I have never met. I feel like I can get a really good read on someone by talking to them face to face but over the interwebs you can never be to careful.
    Just curious what blades have done in the past when in similar situations.

  2. I have had a lot of luck with fb glass groups. Lots of reference's and trusted people. And normally you send payment and the person ships out on the same day with tracking info. You can use paypal to secure your money if anything happens.
  3. Thanks for the reply.
  4. Boromarket is great. Great prices for used high quality glass or great prices from the glass blowers on that site. Never had any options of half payment or anything, it's always been pay the cash > gets shipped. If something happens you can always file a claim with Paypal.I've met up and sold maybe 50 times+ on craigslist. Never got jacked, scammed or anything like that... but that doesn't mean it can't happen. Always try to get a phone number. I always try to look up the phone number on Facebook and Google. A LOT of people don't even realize it's linked to their FB account... so you can pretty much get all the info you need. If it's not on fb or google, then I try to text them because most prepaid phones won't have texting, maybe that's changed though not sure. Other than that make sure they aren't TOO excited to meet up... if they aren't trying to get a discount or ask questions - I would be very careful... everyone on craigslist will try to lowball because its USED and its CRAIGSLIST! So if they aren't even trying to find out more about the product or negotiate price at all, then that's a bad sign. Not sure what else to say hahha, good luck man!

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