Ron Paul is a bigoted racist? He sure is

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MrJamesDean, Jan 25, 2015.

  1. #221 OOTROLLOO, Feb 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 20, 2015

    "You build a billion dollar embassy in Baghdad, bigger than the Vatican, and you call it 'Defense' spending. I call it WASTE."

  2. Ron Paul was smart not to reveal his real agenda, which is Christian Reconstructionism and a new Confederacy, during the elections.  Now that he has his school in place, his hand-picked teachers can start brainwashing the students into supporting a Xian theocracy which includes stonings for gay people and blasphemers, a New Southern Confederacy, slavery indentured servitude, and other niceties.   
  3. #223 ReturnFire333, Feb 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2015
    Get rid of the universal healthcare then come for your social security money.

  4. I'am a person of color and I don't give a fuck if he is a racist or if he's not, I support him 100% I may not agree with every aspect of his plan but the key aspect of his plan is overall sound. I support Ron Paul, even if they came out with a video of him being a grand wizard burning a cross and using all the restricted words pertaining to race, in stark contrast to his voting record and his vision for america is sound I will still vote for him.
    Alot of dumb cunts in america are so fucking stupid not realizing as an american if i disagree with a person's opinion even if it offends me that person has every fucking right to express that opinion that's what freedom of speech is about ....alot of people don't know what freedom of speech is unless you lose that right. 
  5. Quoted for a HELL YEAH!!!

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