Do you guys believe in Reincarnation

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by WhiteChocolate213, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. Just brain storming I thought this was just me so I decided to make a thread.
    Do you guys believe in reincarnation? If not enlighten me in your beliefs. Also,I always wonder how come I'm in this body and not someone elses though nobody knows the answer it leads me to believe in reincarnation since theres no other theory that makes a bit of sense at least.

  2. No, I don't. For reincarnation to work you have to believe in the concept of souls, which I don't believe in.
  3. No, but rebirth does seem logical.

    The way "you" came into your body is purely a product of the body itself. It's like consciousness is the frequency and the body is the receiver. And since every life form (receiver) is different, the way they interpret this frequency (consciousness) is different.

    Proof that the mind is a product the body come from psychology cases. For example Phineas P. Gage was a man in the 1800's who was in an accident where a iron bar went through his head. It didn't kill him but it severely damaged his brain. Afterwards friends noticed how different his personality was and many psychologist did studies on him. And with the help of therapy he eventually went back to normal.

    The point of this was to show how an something effecting the brain also effects the mind. This wouldn't be true if the mind were separate from the body. This is why IMO reincarnation/ afterlife don't work.

    However rebirth is something else. Rebirth is the idea that once "you" die that's it. "Your" body is done, finished, fin. The instrument (frequency receiver) to interpret consciousness (frequency) doesn't work anymore. But the frequency is still out there and so is the materials (matter) that made the instrument. Eventually those materials will be shaped and formed (natural cycle) with other materials into many different things. What was left of "you" is now a part of a tree, a frog, and a whole lot of other things.

    So who's to say that frog isn't "you". Or that tree. Because a part of what makes up that tree is you. Also look at the frog. It's another vessel interpreting the frequency of consciousness. That same frequency you once tapped into. So in a way that frog is you but also isn't "you". Because there wasn't a "you" to begin with.

    It's all us. We're all one and we're all on just one big shared roller coaster.
  4. #4 yogisuba, Jan 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
    Absolutely – but not as the eastern traditions conceive of it.
    Before I can get to my belief of reincarnation I first need to get into my belief regarding consciousness. To me, the most rudimentary state of consciousness can conceivably be related with desire for something or fear of something. We see this in the behavior of being attracted towards or repulsed from other things/forces/etc. In other words, there is preference. If there is no preference, no way of differentiation, then I would argue, consciousness is absent.
    Of course, I am not talking about Pure Consciousness. That's a different conversation. What I am talking about is more aligned with self-preservation which would not exist if there was not, at some level, a sense of individualization/differentiation.
    With that understanding I believe even elemental particles express a rudimentary form of consciousness, in that, they have their own identity (spin, velocity, direction, color, charge, etc.) and relate with the world accordingly. As they bind into atoms, then molecules, and on up the chain of complexity their rudimentary forms of consciousness become more complex, even to the point of self-awareness.
    To digress a little here, at no point in all my rambles do I assume there is a core, permanent, eternal self. Not even at the elemental level do things stay permanent, as particles change their relationship with the world – changing spin, color, and so forth. If, at that level there is no permanent self, I find it inconceivable to imagine there being one at the more complex level.
    Getting back to my ramblings now, particles retain states for as long as no other force acts upon it. These states naturally resonant with similar states and so are attracted towards them. As things get more complex, so does this relationship. Even to the point where opposing forces can be bound together into a system by a vast chain of subtle interconnection: like how extreme hot is connected to extreme cold by subtle changing degrees.
    So here we are: human. We have within us these clusters of energies, these particles that have their history, their stories, the lives they have lived. Some in stars for a time, others in humans, animals, rocks, plants, and so forth – for we are made of star dust, of plants, animals, and so forth. Depending on the cluster, how powerful these energies in our lives will determine what kind of dispositions, energies, qualities, thinking formations, emotional relations, and so forth we will embody. One consequence of this is opposing desires and thoughts, or to the extreme, multiple personalities, fractured identities, and so on.
    So the idea that we are somehow reincarnate from another "one" of us is silly, for we have the karma of billions of energies that live out their experiences in Suba, or in John, Rebecca, and so forth. These energies make up who we are and when we die, or even before we die, some of these energies will move on to experience their trajectory. This Suba will never again exist but parts of this Suba will move on to experience their karma/trajectory.
    Now, the question I ask is, "What's Enlightenment have to do with this?"
    I imagine Enlightenment is much like resonance, when energy reaches a culminating peak of experience: some would say a particle of light. I do not know. But from the experience side I believe it is that point when the particle experiences pure being without preference or reference.
    Now these awakened particles touch other particles awakening them. And so, a truly Enlightened soul is one who has awakened every particle of their being. Everything is aligned and flowing without obstruction or conflict.  
    "So what are these memories we have of past lives," some ask. These are clusters of energies/particles. This also explains why there can be many people that believe they are a reincarnation of some, one person of the past. Each person actually does have a cluster of energy from that person.
    This also is helpful in inviting a specific energy/intelligence within us. The more we infuse ourselves with say, someone's teachings, the more their energy and essence is imbued within us.    
    I hope this has given you food for thought.
    Be Blessed
    P.S. This also fits in with the belief that we have lived millions of lives or that everyone at one point or another has been our mother, brother, sister, wife, child, enemy and so forth. From a chronological stand point, there is no way we can have lived millions of lives, but from the standpoint that we have within us billions of particles that have literally been connected in one way or another with everything in the Universe - this starts to make sense - at least to me. 
    Your identity, personality, memories and everything that is "you" comes from your brain. When you die and your brain decays why would all the information travel from your brain to somewhere else when it's just a bunch of neurons and signals? I don't understand that whole receiver thing, what is that based on?
  6. I wouldn't say that. Damage to a TV, antenna, cable, etc, damages the reception on your TV...doesn't mean the signal originated with the TV/antenna/cable...
  7. Your right. No info gets passed on. When "you" die that's it. No reincarnation past lives or any of that. That is the end of "you".

    What carries on is consciousness. That more instrument will be created and tap into that frequency (frequency is the best way I can describe it) consciousness.
    "You" were a pattern. People could identify "you" though your facial pattern or your personality. That was "you". When "you" die you disappear with those decaying neurons and they'll never be a "you" again.

    However that conscious observer behind the thoughts was the true you!! And that's the frequency we share. That thing observing the thoughts. That thing that is silent.... Just listening and watching.

    So "you" die and later on another instrument is made through nature and can tap into this frequency. That new conscious observer is a new you but not "you". "You" died along with that body. But you (consciousness) just got set up on a whole new ride.
  8. I think it's up to you at death if you want to stay here, but you don't choose what you're next.
  9. #9 bushsmokerkushsmoker, Jan 25, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 25, 2015
    Well I'm confused, as someone said above (the person using all the "you" references (good speech by the way), quantum mechanics or physics (I can't remember) says that all energy ever created must stay in that universe, and can't be destroyed, and must always be some form of energy. So I was thinking, that "you" the conciseness is energy otherwise it wouldn't exist, since no energy means it wouldn't be able to "observe" (I personally agree with your theory) so what happens when you die? Then energy from your consciousness must go somewhere. And since consciousness isn't an actual object or matte it can't decay, so I believe it is passed on (reincarnated) but you don't remember a single thing since all memory's are matter within the brain (neurons, etc) and that eventually decays and turns into energy for bacteria (turned into energy). But I also believe it is much more complex than this...this's just in a nutshell. Here's the guy I believe is correct:
    :) Been thinking about this a lot recently, and the more I think about it the more tempted I am to become Christian, mainly because I wonder what if hell and and heaven do exist...if you go to hell its for stop to hell. Idk tbh lol. Ps anywhere it says conciseness I mean consciousness, auto correct because I spelt it wrong by accident a few times...all this theoretical shit...i need a fat joint ;)
  10. Consciousness as a frequency is the best analogy I can give. It's like the switch between consciousness and the void. And right when that vessel creates(birth) consciousness (frequency), those bunch of random physical things that came together to make a vessel has now become an observer. Now there is that silent thing behind the thoughts and images.

    I don't think consciousness as something separate from the physical. So IMO it's created along with the instrument.
  11. The energy does go back into the universe. Your body is the energy and what is "you".Consciousness itself isn't anything physical. It's a product of that energy.

    In a sense consciousness actually isn't real (but we all know it is). Consciousness is a non physical thing that is the result of a combination of different physiological processes.

    It just dies along with the body. But it doesn't mean that something else can't create consciousness again. And if we're all one(we all came from the same planet, star, Galaxy, Universe, etc) who's to say that isn't you.
    But I, the "I" I am right now won't be able to experience that from the same perspective I have no or be connected to the past?
    Sorry sounds like superstition to me. Couldn't it be called non-conscious reincarnation.
    I have a more biological look at it. The DNA tells my cells how they should shape so I end up with the same structure my parents have, who in turn got theirs from their parents and keeps going back like that generation after generation. And I am what I am now not because I'm an individual, which I only am from a human perspective but I am because this combination has been the best one to survive, the survivors pass on their genes.
  13. This part.
  14. But if all energy must stay in the universe, what about when your body is just milliseconds before dying, your body is feeding whatever creates consciousness energy for you to be conscious, what happens to the energy making up your consciousness, if consciousness isn't a physical thing? Surely it must have to become another form of energy if quantum mechanics is correct...and since it isn't a physical thing it couldn't decay or isn't a certain type of wouldn't this be where reincarnation would come in? :) Intelligent stoners ftw
  15. I shall reply in the morning, phones running out :)
  16. Yea, when "you" die it's fin. Think outside yourself though. Because your clinging to the idea "you".

    For example if I weighed the universe, I'd have to include your weight, because you are apart of this universe. You make up a portion of the universe. The delusion is thinking yourself as something separate from the universe.

    "We are a way for the cosmos to know itself" - Carl Sagan
  17. No. When I'm done here, I don't want to come back.
  18. The body isn't feeding anything. Consciousness is a combination of different things. For example I lose the ability to smell. My conscious experience has now changed. Consciousness is our term for observing.

    It's not a physical thing but it is a by product of different physical processes.

    So at that moment of death, your body is still working to feed the physical processes. But once it's failed and the processes have stopped, so has consciousness.
  19. yeah bro i believe in reincarceration.. i have been reincarcerated several times... they just lock me up, take some time and let me go... bastards ...
    Are you trying to say that I'll technically exist forever because my entire existence is made up of atoms that have been around for much longer than I have. That the atoms were once part of other organisms, stars, rocks, water etc. And I'm just borrowing these atoms so they'll be part of something else when I'm gone? So I'm connected to the universe through atomic and sub-atomic particles?

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