A Homage to Rick Simpson: A Medical Marijuana Icon

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by George - The Vault, Jan 24, 2015.

  1. That is a strange belief. Seeing all our genetics links to all the other animals and our carbon make up I am of no doubt we are only from this world. As animals we have evolved beyond instinct.
    be glad we can manipulate our plants and environment. The very weed you smoke is a product of our enhancements we bring to the table. Weed, if left on its own would be 1-3% THC with very few variations.

  2. #22 ProGMOII, Feb 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2015
    I would tell you to research yourself. There is a cult mentality in the cannabis world and cults are dangerous.
    I will use an example of some of the BS we have to experience. There is a scientific study showing that THC reduces the size of tumors. You can find it and you will discover that 5 of the 10 mice died. 2 had no change and 3 showed tumor reduction. They also injected directly into the tumor, not smoked into the lungs or rubbed on the surface. The amount used to be effective was the equivalent of smoking 1000 joints a day.
    Scientist have a funny saying, "We have cured cancer in mice 10,000 times but never once in a human."
    At the end of the study the scientist clearly state that much more research is needed.
    No clinic studies have been done for it. The Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research http://www.cmcr.ucsd.edu/ go and check out the research Studies. they are dismal and in essence, so far THC does nothing much at all. While it is encouraging to see the studies emerge it is sad to see how many have claimed so much with nothing more than a scam artists claims. http://www.cmcr.ucsd.edu/
    People who have been scammed are almost always never to admit it. Hence why you see a zillion people claiming utter bs and not many counter claims. Do not rush into it and do not bet a loved one's life on cannabis doing more than curing in a mason jar. LOL!
  3. Check out Dr Edzard Ernst's, "A Scientist in Wonderland"
    He practiced the same quackery people promote for the sick, he preyed on them unwittingly. all hell broke loose when he started to demand full scientific methodologies and exposed Alternative practitioners for the foolery they espouse.
  4. Funny how quickly "do your own research" becomes "check out these studies that I picked for you," isn't it? With eighty years of prohibition at our back you're surely not short for ammunition. Good job, then. I still say to OP, go do your own reading. Look into each side honestly and make up your own mind.
    What's important in my mind is to remember that cannabis has been a mainstay in medicine for ten thousand years or more. It takes very little digging to uncover it in history throughout the world since Biblical times at least, so who are we really trying to kid by saying that it's "just too new" to know about the effects?
    Perspective is an important thing. Read about the history of opium, the history of coca, even the history of alcohol, and compare them to each other and especially to the history of cannabis. You'll find interesting differences.
  5. #25 Galaxy420, Feb 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2015
    that is the thing, have we really evolved beyond instinct or simply never had it. the huge and direct difference in man and beast- instinct. beast will know what to to do without question and will act instantly, man will sit there searching/scratching his brain while the beast got it done hours ago by just doing it. we are the only creatures who have either given up instinct or never had it to begin with because we are not from here ( our consciousness separate of instinct part of us anyway, all the elements are in us though) and have not used the instinct. I believe we are now evolving into utilizing instinct ( psychic ability) more and more as we collectively move out of masculine ways and into more of a feminine way of being connecting deeper with nature with the precession of the equinoxes influencing our consciousness.
    Yes, I am glad nature grows the plants so I can watch from a far and tweak through the selection process the plants that seem promising for what we use/need them for.   that is complete opposite of doing surgery on the plant to completely change it in its nature and form.
    The difference in cannabis strains has to do with wind ( location)  and how the plants grown where there is wind makes more resinous trichomes from the wind ( A+ horny female cannabis) and the hemp variety in fields with no wind to force trich production ( .1 no thc rope hemp). The spiritual monks started thousands of years ago until this day to selectively breed high resinous production cannabis into what we know now as the good stuff. you have them to thank for the cannabis and personally I am glad they did not have laboratories to surgically fuck with the plants and change them, all they did was work with what nature offered and tweaked the growth medium.
    the equivalent of 1000 joints simply means we need the resinous cannabis oil for medicine so we get that equivalency if needed and not smoke ourselves into the ground. Plus the funded research you talk of is based on finding BAD in cannabis to reenforce the schedule 1 status placement. Those studies would show if cannabis was good too......NOT!  name one governemt funded study on cannabis to find the good in the plant, just one..........
    edit, how do you expect to study a sched 1 illegal substance and get accurate unbiased results???
  6. The only thing I can figure is ProGMOII works for the pharmaceutical industry and is doing his part to discredit the medicine anywhere he can, which is really a shitty thing to for money.  It's like selling arms or working for the cigarette companies.  The good news is, more and more folks are finally talking about it and their stories are coming how cannabis has worked positively in their life.  And even better news is now that legitimate studies are being conducted, folks will see the medical benefits of cannabis.  His days of getting a paycheck by the pharmaceutical companies are numbered.   
  7. I agree we need to get the appropriate research and legal support to do it. The worse case scenario is for us to be battling the stigma and dangers of tobacco. Smoking plant material is just bad. The physics shows how bad heat, burning and the release of gasses and how the chemical changes by combustion are very negative for our lungs and overall health.
    Nature for all its beauty and splendor, is cruel, heartless, and inefficient as part of nature it is awesome we are able to modify it. GMOs could achieve in a few months or couple years better results than all the cross breeding. Had nature had its way you would not be enjoying the super weed of today.
    Do not forget, that is a 1000 joint equivalent of pure or near pure THC. So smoking 20% would mean 5000 joints. Oh, on top of that it was injected directly into the tumor in these mice. Smoking will never be a feasible method to reduce cancers or other ailments without the research we do, or at least I cannot see it happening outside of a super concentrated pill form. Another good example of a rerason to manipulate plant life.
    nano technology is on the other hand could be the one of the best future delivery systems to attack cancers directly. Oh check out camel cells and how they attack cancer. It is amazing stuff.
  8. yup, always the issue when trying to correct something in the bod and pin point the spot in need of correcting. we just stick stuff in there hoping it finds its way to the spot needed- kind of a shot in the dark.  tis why I think the ( use enough to get saturated ) way is the best way for cannabis consumption.  except for blowing your tolerance through the roof I cannot think of any harms done with it.
    back to the 3 % thc only if man had not gotten involved way back when, well even with the 3% cannabis from nature with no mans influence,it could be concentrated down into very usable medicine for the ailments. so the first dude to stumble on cannabis could have been effectively self medicated the next day without a doctors script.  here we are thousands of years later and mainly man does not even know how to self medicate with all that is offered from the planet but instead turns to science and labs looking past what nature has already accomplished just waiting for us to find
  9. A doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient. A popular and reasonable saying. As for someone who is not trined in medicine he would have an ignorant fool for a patient is what I say.
    I think you really mean getting stoned, not medicating. To think early man smoking and eating every plant without knowing what he was adding to his system. Feeling good today may mean dying tomorrow. I am glad we moved beyond that ancient system though. When we last lived organically living to 40-50 was considered old. chew on that for a minute.
  10. #30 Galaxy420, Feb 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 23, 2015
    people are human and are not born doctors it is a choice and if everyone were well there would be no doctors.as it is now, we are all our own doctors and dictate what we need through understanding of us as human yet decide to place that responsibility ( personal health) on someone other than ourselves. we have but to listen and respond -your bod speaks to you every millisecond since your conception into physical form and shape. were people to perform self evaluation at all times we would know from our own conscious responses what needs tweaking and we would consciously know what on earth(until we have access to other planets)  will help facilitate on own personal healing. cannabis is a fine example of turning outside of ourselves for healing, the phyto cannabinoid is an almost perfect match to endocannabinoids in mothers milk for their babies, hence it has the vibe ( we cannabis are safe).
    Oh, with correct intuitive understanding you instantly know without doubt what you need and from where and do not suffer the ignorance/folly of modern man and his ego brain activity getting in the way. back to basics for the modern times and experiences
  11. We have moved beyond the ancient tribal myths and errors. You will not know intuitively. that is patently false. Your argumentative fallacy is known as The Appeal to Nature. Right now there is not enough evidence to support your claims. If you have them I would be glad to see the peer reviewed clinical trials and studies supporting your claim. Modern man is much better to forget the tribal ways and the fact their life styles were killing us and still do in tribal dominated regions of the world.
    just to be clear, snake venom is natural, cannabis is natural, alcohol is natural. nature can be as harmful as it is helpful.
  12. Well?  What is your motivation for writing this stuff? Do you work for one of the pharmaceutical companies?  Has no healing properties?  Are you kidding me?  I'm 51 and have used it since I was 13 for monthly pains.   That's 31 years of proof right there.  You have some sort of motivation for dissing the good green herb and I would like to hear your story.  
    Who do you actually know that has used it for medicine.  Anyone?  Have you tried it for medicine?  You say there is no science behind it?  So plant based medicine has been used for 3,000 years and you feel like one hundred years of western medicine is somehow better?  We have synthesized everything down to a pill and somehow, that's becomes more legit?  
    Radio Lab Podcast just did a fantastic show on how absolutely messed up the pharmaceutical companies are.  Here is the description of the show: http://www.radiolab.org/story/what-year-life-worth/  Be prepared to have your eyes open up but then again, you may already know this stuff if you are working for them.  
    Two years ago, a group of doctors did something unprecedented - they boycotted a cancer drug because, given the benefit, it cost too much. Following up on the story, Radiolab producer Molly Webster discovers this is far from your normal drug pricing story. It's long been taboo to talk about cost and care in the same breath. But we enter a space where economics and philosophy sit side-by-side, and raise a deeply uncomfortable question: what is a year of life worth?
  13. You suffer from a placebo effect or have no real pain. again, show me proof or evidence of your pain from your physician. Anecdotes are evidence of someone making a claim, only verifiable if the claimant proves his claim.
    It has not healed from any evidence. I just asked for evidence not angry doctors. Who are those doctors and what is their expertise? This is the mystery that follows guys like your posts, the mystery doctors and many times mystery patients. Who for some strange reason do not show any supporting evidence.
    3000 years ago you were lucky to live to 40, you can stick with that argument but it is weak and quite frankly unintelligent.
    I am dissing claims of cures and healing when the evidence is not there. You guys are making the claims, the onus of proof is on you. At 51 cannabis amplifies my pain, that must be evidence that it does NOT work, correct? I have only had 2 C Spine surgeries for C3-C7 and have spinal stenosis, compressed discs, and spurs from L3- through S-2 bilateral. I more than most would have loved it to work.
    I showed you recent clinical studies on humans not mice. Check them out for yourself. It is by a weed loving facility too. http://www.cmcr.ucsd.edu/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=41&Itemid=135
    Oh, you guessed wrong on all of darts about who I am. My motivation is not to accept ignorance, it is not a shared motivation among the pot cultists. I am not a fan of cults either, sorry.
  14. You're pretty unscientific in your attacks and fallacies of your own. Chronic pain is one of the biggest catch 22s in medicine right now because you CAN'T see it. I really don't even know where to begin in responding to this guy's tirades anymore...
    Pretty piss-poor definition of terms in here for a supposedly scientific discussion. What do you mean when we lived "organically"? You seem like you have a stronger bias against pro-naturalist perspectives than evidence for or experience with the alternative(s).
  15. yep bro there are peer reviews for ancient psychic naturalists who were into organics. good luck with that. peer reviews.........
  16. #36 WeedCat, Feb 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 24, 2015
    Your motivation is to be thorn in people's asses. And you still haven't denied that you work for big farma.  I could waste so much time with you but time is precious so, debating what I already know to be true and tested would be good time wasted.  
    I will choose to learn from folks that don't make statements like, "Modern man is much better to forget the tribal ways and the fact their life styles were killing us and still do in tribal dominated regions of the world..."  What a crock, and you totally lost me there.
     Learning from our elders and ancestors is a gift they leave behind to us. It would be silly to waste all that knowledge from the past.  And learning from real people who are trying cannabis right now, right here, and thankfully reporting back to us is real, and, I thank them for taking the time out of their sick lives to do this for other sick people or folks who are seeking knowledge when it comes to healing.
     It is crucial for us to take their information and move forward with it.  Your arrogance astounds me.  Or your desire to make a quick buck from who is ever paying you, at the expense of sick people who want a healthy, natural way to heal makes me angry.  Shame on you ProGmo.  And on top of it, you hijacked this whole thread as I'm sure that was your intention.  I'm done with you.  No more. You're a negative that sucks energy.  Do something positive with yourself. 
  17. the no healing/not healing thing makes no sense to me. if something alleviates your suffering/dis-ease enough that you heal from the suffering/dis-ease and your suffering/dis-ease goes away where it once was before is that not healing?? sure cannabis covers up issues but in so doing you then are not dealing with the issue in an insurmountable way but rather in a not so direct way aided by cannabis. in the end result of medicating yourself and after your suffering/dis-ease is over your body only knows it is not dealing with an issue it once was and is now healed????  and anew upon itself.
    of course healed has different connotations and varying degrees but even minor comfort from a debilitating pain is a mode of healing as your body recoups from stress induced pain energy replaced with calm relaxed energy from whence healing occurs. 
    this does not even take into account preventive medicines ( cannabis!!!!) that stave off dis-ease so is not that a form of pro active healing that is a conscious effort not to let your body get low on antioxidant phyto cannabinoids. we are all of us in a constant state of self repair and healing from the moment of conception to death so anything that thwarts that constant demise is medicine.
  18. I would like to point out that we have a whole lot of snake oil salesmen in modern world with all the diplomas money can buy! I watched as my mother fought cancer and did everything those docs pushing that snake oil from those big pharmers when she should have been able to try a snake oil from a small farmer....why not be able to at least try BTW I have uncontrolled seizures (no pharmaceutical works) from a head injury...I am prevented from trying something that might work or might work as well as the rest of the snake oil I've tried?......can't I try a plant?
  19. there you go, figure out the ratios you need for yourself and please report back. be sure to bring peer reviews just in case what happens in front of your eyes is smoke and mirrors sold by snake oil salesmen and you did not even notice. was there a snake oil salesmen in the midst of healing, must of been a slippery sucker
  20. I'm all for something that works, but it seems like we don't have many controlled tests using Rick Simpson Oil. All we have are anecdotal statements saying "I knew someone who it worked on" or "It worked for me." I think we are counting the hits and ignoring the misses. The people that use RSO and die don't get to tell their story as well.  
    Let's look at Tommy Chong while we are at it. He said that he beat cancer with RSO. However, He had stage 1 prostate cancer, which is often not even operated on in men of his age. Also, cancer has been known to simply disappear. If cancer does that in a RSO user though, it will surely be attributed to the RSO.
    I'd love to say that it works, but I can't say that with integrity without rigorous scientific testing. 


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