PAX Wont Turn Off...?

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by beanvapes, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Hey all..  Any ideas on this problem...?
    Pax was on the charger...  I pulled it off, the light went green but did not heat up.  Then it would not turn off.. 
    I cleaned everything (not very dirty to begin with), but still no change. 
    Temp button does not work.  Shaking for battery life does not work.  Nothing works.
    The unit just stays lit green and will not turn off.  But it also is not heating.  It seems frozen with the green light, will not heat up, will not turn off. 
    I let it sit with the light on for over a day and the battery died.  I put it on the charger for a second but it went right back to the same thing.  Constant green light, will not heat up, will not turn off.
    The not turning off thing is really confusion.
    Anyone hear of something like this?

  2. temp light issue sort of..
    clean the temp button but do not use much iso at all.. wait for it to dry then try again.
  3. Beanvapes! I am having this EXACT problem, any remedy suggestions other than cleaning the temp light again?
  4. Contact PAX and do the warranty repair.  I was told they have a great warranty department and the rumors are TRUE!  I contacted them, they were super helpful and responsive.  Sent it in for repair, came back good as new.   Took about 2 weeks for so, start to finish.  Really friendly, helpful and easy.   I went to site and did the customer service chat.  Just let them take care of it.  They were great.

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