Hemp For Victory

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by MistahWho, Jan 20, 2015.

  1. #1 MistahWho, Jan 20, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2015
    Hemp for Victory is a black-and-white United States government film made during World War II and released in 1942. It's obscurity is what makes the film seem like a fake. But, this is a real film produced by the same government that got rid of cannabis years before its filming.
    Everything was too good to be true. U.S. authorities took no time to recoil and pretend the film “Hemp for Victory” had never existed. No one found out about this film for decades. Mysteriously, it disappeared overnight, as if the U.S. government had collected the materials needed to make boots for its soldiers and hoses for putting out fires. Everyone denied having participated in the making of this film. Their repentance went so far as to erase all traces of it. 

  2. "Cannabis Sat-EYE-vuh..."
    Great find. Real window into a different time for the herb.

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