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Would you smoke with your kids once theyre adults?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Messiah Decoy, Jan 18, 2015.

  1. #61 The real spliff shady, Jan 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2015
    I would smoke with my kids only if they proved to not be responsible and fucked around alot if they were well educated and very responsible I wouldn't talk to them cuz I I don't fuck with boring geeky ass nerds.
  2. Honestly, as everybody has said, it depends on how mature my kids are. If my children are the type to listen if I say just smoke at the house, I have no problem letting them smoke. And I think It would be interesting to pick each other's brain while a little lifted considering we'll think a lot alike. Until kids, I won't have to worry about it though. Haha

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  3. if i had kids i think i would eventually if they were interested.
  4. Sure a lot of people here that remind me of my parents, Do As I Say Not As I Do.
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  5. I sat down this year and had a smoke session with my kids for the first time. They've known that I smoke for about 10 years now. Really not a big thing to me. They are 23 and 25 years old. Both doing well in their chosen careers and old enough to make their own decisions.
  6. exactly this . it's the same exact thing as letting your kids drink. I think more parents should tell there kids not to drink rather than smoke marijuana. this needs to become the new norm. instead of having a beer with your pop on your 18th we need to roll up a fatty together
  7. I have smoked with my parents it's a very pleasant experience. Been doing this since I was 16, I'm now 20.

    Best buds for life.
  8. Depends on if they are:
    1) adults
    2) if they have their shit together otherwise
  9. I smoke with my mom. I started smoking before I even knew that she smoked. I used to think she was a closet cigarette smoker until I started smoking weed and realized what the smell really was. And I still smoke with her to this day, it's definitely a bonding experience and I'd love to smoke with my kids. Only if they've already started smoking though, or are over 18 (then I'll ask then if they wanna try it).

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