will this butane torch heat up a ceramic nail for dabs?

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by Weedology, Jan 17, 2015.

  1. I'm new to dabbing and bought this torch off of eBay, I was wondering if this torch gets hot enough to heat up a ceramic nail and how do I know when the nail is hot enough to begin dabbing. http://m.ebay.com/itm/110870952375?nav=SEARCH
  2. Depends on the size of your nail, it's not really a question of will it buy rather how long it will take.

    My friend uses a mini pendent rig when we go to shows n shit. He used a 10mm quartz nail n dome and a pocket torch lighter.

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  3. Looks a bit small but might just take a little but longer, like he said depends how big the nail is. And its really just trying it a couple times until you find the sweet spot when it comes to heating it up
  4. It should. I'm pretty sure all vectors and blazer torches have a 2400 degree flame too. Just a larger flame by the looks of it. Should be ok. Might just take a few extra seconds as stated already.
  5. I use a simple one i bought for £10 which is only a few notches up from the torjet lighters you can get, it is sufficient to heat up my glass nail. see this video to see it better.

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