On day 45 of flowering, 1-2 plants have me worried

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Dwnfall, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. I will include pictures later tonight when the lights turn on. But my issues is that I have 2 plants that are just covered in crystals. I looked at them very closely and for a long time with my little microscope and saw no movement or web looking material, so I ruled out spider mites. But I am worried about mold or mildew. How can I make sure that it is just THC crystals and not some mold on my bud/ leaves? Room humidity is at around 25% at the moment. I do have different strains running so maybe that could be it? Better safe than sorry!

  2. Do they look like tiny clear mushrooms? Those would be your trichomes.
  3. Trichomes cover buds and fan leaves (jagged parts and where the stem meets the leaf). if it is on stems and fan leaves that aren't near buds then I would worry. Google image it. if you cant tell then I would by a cheap bacteria test kit.. fungus and bacteria is easy to find kits for online or at lowes. trichome production should start with a crystal like formation similar to sugar... as the bud matures thc level increases.. the next phase is a milky white crystal.. this is the best time to harvest...the more trichomes the better the thc production (not meaning higher thc.. just meaning healthier).. to avoid mold in the future cover the medium with a reflective cover.. I used a anti fungal mold resistant reflective insulate for hydro.. you can get one from amazon in a 4'x4' section for like $12 , Mylar works but its flimsy. So compare age, to humidity, to heat, and overall trichome production.. and if it is mold scrap the plants... smoking mold will seriously TRASH you .. you don't get high.. you get respiratory infections... nasty stuff...
    I think your good but good luck either way

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