Marijuana + Your Brain

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by dokc, Jan 10, 2015.

  1. Just like booze. All drugs have an impact on your body.
  2. lol you mean it does not cure dumb?
    We are in the snake oil phase of MMJ. Some legitimate uses, but many unsubstantiated claims of healing that may in the long term harm us. exciting yet dangerous times for marijuana.
  3. “This study [of 40 people] raises a strong challenge to the idea that casual marijuana use isn't associated with bad consequences,” Breiter said.
    No, it really doesn't. 
    Spinning it that way will sure get a buzz going and mean lots of clicks though, huh?
    If there are bad consequences, one need only look at the past 10,000 years of its recorded use to track them down. Really doesn't seem to have been dangerous before about 100 years ago. Must be "stronger than before".  :rolleyes: 
  4. Lolok, well, Imma just keep smoking my pipe here...  :bongin:  :metal:
    I dismissed the article when I saw that. 
    Its just way too small of a pool to draw from.
  6. prohibitionists fuck you and your dumbass studies
  7. the consciousness of the people and how we choose to now do things is the problem- it is reflected in every single act we take not the plants around us, those are just plants and have been plants since plants existed. 
  8. #10 ProGMOII, Jan 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2015
    I agree, stupid people are why we have stupid laws. To include prohibitions on plants that create heroin, cocaine, or THC. Plants are not somehow all magical and healthy, sorry. Tobacco is just a plant. Poison sumac, you guessed it, just a plant. When men cannot control their acts, others will control their acts for them. It is the way it always has been and always will be because cannabis does not cure stupid, unfortunately.
  9. great post but I gotta say- if what is in a plant can help a humans' suffering of any kind of condition I call that magic/miracle and it sustains health in the human.  We've evolved alongside plants here on earth so we have an evolutionary connection as opposed to plants on other planets- no connection there etc...  a little bit of this a little of that and we can make plant soups of healthy life giving properties to sustain us and what we need to keep us all going, that is quite the miracle for me and out of the infinite possibilities/variables we have plants.
  10. what if it ends up killing us all? i see stoners with strange concepts of safety. MMJ is one of the least tested substances on huumans especially relating to long term risk or benefit results. yet because we can get stoned we push our agenda. This site has shown me how MMJ saved NORML's ass by creating an agrument that is hard to oppose. The more I read and understand how stoners rode in on the backs of MMJ, the more it sickens and sadens me. It has taken the fire out of my desire to see a medicine to help others because stoners have hijacked its potential.
    I still support recreational and medicinal, buy I am unabashed to say we are fooling ourselves if we think we know it all at this stage and can declare its safety. 20 years from now we will have some difinitive data to fully understand marijuana's impact on health.
  11. what about past evidence that we have used cannabis going back thousands of years. doctors in America used it in the 1800's with no negative results, we have plenty of proof it is safe but how the people used it in the past is different from our use now just like everything else we use compared to then.
    the happy medium is the cbd, thc ratio and you are correct that the stoners looking for thc only interfere with cbd strains etc but more light is being shined down on that so it comes to balance again. the thc craze is a recent one so it does not reflect the whole of cannabis and humans' interaction with it.  plus if it were bad for us it would show up everywhere as bad because so many people are doing it, we cannot lie to ourselves if our faces start falling off when it is obvious ( meth heads) but even the high thc strains now days are not causing bad things to people other than psychological addictions which is not a physical trait. therein lies the balance so needed in the ratios when used as medicine. even the high thc strains are medicine it is just out of balance medicine and not good for everyone...
  12. #14 ProGMOII, Jan 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2015
    if you use history you could say the less we used or more we restricted marijuana the longer we lived, you have to try something else on me. that is a weak argument.
    again, we are in the snake oil period. with the lack of research anyone can make claims. do you really think it cures cancer? I seen one guy who got busted because his wife stopped her chemo and start smoking weed. that tells me it is more likely the chemo worked than the marijuana cured it. It is absurd at this point to even come close to such a claim.
    Yet, something like GMO foods have had extensive research and is demonized. When such studies on MJ are allowed by the eventual (i hope) federal acceptance can we proclaim victory, until then we are just wishful thinking and that is not safe. One must accept they are playing with fire or just blind to science, which is scary indeed.
    Oh, read the entire article when you are bored, there are dozens of scholarly papers and peer reviews.
  13. you can live to an old age smoking herb daily, I cant say the same about alcohol and prescription drugs. This is just what im observing. Everyone who drinks to much to long eventually has health problems. The smokers move to the mountains and die of old age.
  14. Just because one plant happens to cause euphoric and psychotropic effects the entire world is on top of it like a magnet. Ever since the early B.C years when we first starting ingesting cannabis it all went down hill. And for what? The media to begin it's poison once more in the pre-modern days by lying to the public about a plant they barely knew about. The sad thing is everyone believes them blindly and kiss the asses of all the feds. But whatever, that's them, not me. 
  15. #17 Galaxy420, Jan 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2015
    I have a strategy for health that most any human can follow and it is this- if it smells good it is good. this works differently for everyone because we each perceive smell in our own way. now go open the pot jar and smell and then come to your own conclusion for yourself. BTW, I like pussy and I am a man, see where the smell thing is going....
    edit, this is the fundamentals of living simple health without fancy tests but just " what god gave you" tests that count for each person individually as per their own response
  16. #18 ProGMOII, Jan 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 16, 2015
    if it smells good it is good? I am sorry but you continue to stretch reason. many moldy foods still smell good, and they are natural. You would ingest it? Many toxic naturally occurring plants and animals or fish smell wonderful.
    some nice organic ones as well. Most toxins are organic in this world. mercury is another natural gift that you cannot smell at all. So that juicy apple or yummy catfish could be killing you because it smell good.
    I would not use your advice to treat people I care about, sorry.
  17. so you reject the pursuit of cannabis as medicine because we enjoy it too?

    What do you mean hijacked? I smoked weed when I was younger because I liked getting fucked up. now I've realized the reason I enjoyed it so much is because it helped me deal with anxiety. So should I not have the right to to enjoy it medicinally and recreationally?
    Well said. I never smoked when I was younger. I waited till after college to start smoking to help me deal with my stress.

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