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Brownies not as fire as usual

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by iEatEdibles420, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. So I made a batch of some brownies the other day and I usually make me pretty good and people go crazy for em but this time people are saying they lack. I didn't do anything different than I usually do. I maybe feel like when I was decarbing I took the bud out too early. Would that affect the cannaoil that badly? I simmered it for like 3 hours so I know i simmered it enough

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  2. Based on the info you are giving, which isn't much to go on, if you didn't fully decarb then it will have a big effect on potency.
  3. You don't tell us times
    You don't tell us temperatures
    You don't tell us ingredients
    You don't tell us dosage/quantity of active ingredients
    Since the ONLY information you told us was that you didn't decarb enough, then what other answer could you possibly expect us to give? Decarb properly next time, problem solved. :)

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