We all have our own path

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by CanIBeShaggy, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. So, let me give a somewhat brief summary of this whole idea.

    After being a christian for most of my life, It always seemed like the whole thing was based on fear.. I mean, I'm not trying to put organized religion down, but, just think of this.. If the whole "hell factor" wasn't there, would anyone give a crap that some dude died on a cross for our sins..

    Why am I talking about Christianity? Because it is the biggest/one of the biggest organized religions out there..

    If you really open your mind, really, try to experience other peoples beliefs, and thoughts/ideas on this whole life/afterlife thing, I really think that most people would stop being so blinded..

    Religion is THE EASIEST way to control people. Creating a set of rules, or commandments, and then saying you will burn in this horrible place called hell, if you don't obey them, sounds a bit crazy if you think about it. I really think this is one of the smartest, yet easiest ways of brainwashing there is.

    Okay, so now.. That's why I think religion is retarded. And that is why I believe in this whole "everyone has their own path thing"..

    So, here's the basics:

    *Everyone has a spirit/energy somewhat.
    *We were put on this universe for a reason, and all end up, where we belong, depending on what we choose to do in the life that's given to us, or who we are.
    *There aren't any rules, everyone's different, so LET everyone be different.

    So that's basically the whole thought process/belief system. It really makes since if you think about it. I mean, out of all the livable planets on this universe, (and you know there has to be some, we haven't even traveled outside of our galaxy yet). It seems SO STUPID to believe that we either go to heaven, or hell after we die.. Like, is that really it?? It cannot be as simple as that.

    Now, let's take EVERYONE'S spiritual experiences, like how certain Christians say they saw angels, or when people see ghosts, you cannot deny it. Just like the fact of UFOS over the thousands upon thousands of sightings you can't say that there simply not real, same goes for spiritual experience(s).

    So, there might not be a god, but rather a source. Something that all of this is emmiting from.. So therefore, we are all unique, and all will end up somewhere in the end, but I personally have NO CLUE where..

    What do you guys think?
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  2. Religion came about as a way for people to explain the unexplainable. This includes everything from ancient Egyptian mythology to modern day Christinsanity.

    Religion is increasingly irrelevant because science is now providing answers.

    Religion was also a primitive source of spirituality, but I think people are starting to realise that spirituality doesn't need to come from an institution, but rather from within.

    Religion was also used to dictate morality and often law throughout history, however the increased secularisation of western society shows that society governs morality and law rather than religion.

    So what's left? Segregation, hatred and violence.
    Organised religion has got to go.

    Obviously I am making extremely widespread generalisaions, but the core point still stands. Fuck political correctness. People have to wake up to the brutal truth in order for humanity to progress.
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  3. I agree completely. And I do believe that someday, hopefully, people will "wake-up".
  4. I have given up hope of witnessing that in my lifetime. For now, I'll just swear at Christians on public forums like an asshole lol.
    And they are, although if it still looks like the world is as violent as it has always been, this is because the old ways must become more obvious in order for us to really see them as they are and choose, without doubt, how we prefer to be. So things may get a lot worse yet before anything noticeably changes.
    People are still so easily led - organised religion teaches them to be followers, and for those brought up in societies that are constantly vilified, where for reasons not always as they appear, come to feel a need to defend themselves, lose their loved ones, are easily encouraged to hate and seek revenge. Keeps the weapons manufacturers in the luxury they enjoy that's for sure.
    Too many manipulate the masses, using mainstream media to promote the feeling their agenda requires. We can't really imagine how it feels to have our village targeted, where women and children die, but it is things like this that helps create the very thing we say we are trying to eradicate. This is the last bastion of the old energy, and it isn't ready to go just yet.
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  6. Yes. That's the whole message I am trying to bring across. We must all be our own leader and experience things that we were meant to.. Not to follow anything
  7. It seems like we all agree which means this thread will die soon lol. All the threads with hundreds of posts in this forum are usually religious arguments and flame wars haha.
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  8. Good post OP. The sad thing is that when you're living in faith it makes you impervious to facts. I grew up as a Muslim and that was my reality. You could disprove my religion day and night without any success. All the logic in the world couldn't break through my thick shell of spirituality.
    Ultimately I came to terms with my religion being one ginormous lie when I myself took the initiative to read the book I've been swearing by my entire life. This set me on the worst emotional roller coaster of my life. I was confused, I was upset, I was frustrated. But the more I read the further away I was from my faith. It was another year before I became an atheist because I kept believing in God (today I realize it was out of fear of hell that I kept believing in that silly goose).
    It was only after I freed my mind from the bullying of religion that I truly realized how silly the whole thing was. How obviously manipulative religion is.
    And that's where the sad fact comes in. As you mentioned, OP, religion is based on fear, you're subconsciously tied to your religion through fear of questioning anything and convince yourself it's divinity. So my point is that no matter how obvious these things are to you and me it doesn't compute with a person who has something blocking them from reality.
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    Not to mention the societal/familial pressures associated with questioning the validity of the locally accepted belief system.
    Indoctrination is a bitch...
    Ikr. I still haven't admitted to my family that I'm an atheist.
  11. I got into an awesome few hour debate/discussion with my family when my position changed. My plan was to shake their foundations with what i feel is true. My dad wasnt as receptive as my mom n brother but i had a blast. I cant speak for you and your situation though.
  12. #12 straighteningpath, Feb 18, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2015
    I'm muslim and i agree with pretty much every thing said here. All forms of religion have been corrupted, including mine by power greedy fucks. Follow your path, you'll eventually get where you're supposed to. I smoke regularly and meditate.  i believe in aliens, and science. The problem is following blindly, be it a religion or something else. You have to put in work. Most people don't understand the books they claim to be fighting to defend. We all know the difference between right and wrong, and i'm not talking about the morals society puts on us. Deep inside, we know. I happen to believe that God is the reason why i know. Peace and love to all the Atheists of the world! 
    To the brother who left Islam, that sucks, but following a religion just because your parents taught you to, is against Islam. May God guide you to what is best, whatever that is. 
    PS. im not a troll. im new, and i just noticed the newbie thing. Also, the silhouette should be of a fat girl holding a slice of cheese pizza. 
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  13. Welcome to the forum!
    Nice first post.
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    I'm the "brother" who left Islam, lol. First off I wish there were more Muslims like you. Funny thing is that you remind me a lot of myself. Except for the part about all religions being corrupted, I did not hold that opinion when I was a Muslim. Anywho peace be with you.
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  15. I'm probably the first counter-active poster in this thread but plain and simple I agree with some of the material but not all for reasons I will explain at great lengths.
    Firstly, yes, I agree with journeying along your own pathway and believing in what you want to believe. That's the way life was crafted to be, by our divine creator. An Omega does exist. No matter how impractical it sounds, there has to be something up there. I'm speaking generally, and please note that specifically. Whatever religion you believe in, the factor is there is something that is driving us. The drive to seek higher knowledge. We were born with the intact feature of having a deeper consciousness, thus the entire reason why science and religion even exists. You see the point I'm getting at? Everything is a theory. Everything is an enigma. There is so much we "know", and even more we do not. Religion and Science could both be just fragmented ideas that shape the realities we're placed in. These lives have so much more meaning than anyone really wants to admit.
    So the prime factor? Don't believe what the world shoves in your face and follow your pathway, as stated before. The only thing I wish is that you don't shun the ideals of others so blindly and possibly learn something. You never know what you'll find in the places you dare not to look into. Only a thought, thanks.
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    wa alaikum salaam. i assumed you were a boy, that makes you my brother, no other reason. I wish i could telepathically transfer my thoughts to you so that you'd see what i see, if anything just so that you'd have a less negative view on such a fundamental part of your past. i don't agree with a lot of shit muslim's do. i have a big black dog and my best friend is a super duper gay boy. lol.  If you ever find your way back you should let me know, i'll make you a "cake" or something. 
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    Wa alaykumm. Yeah I'm a guy and I don't mind being called a brother. All humans are related to each other anyway.
    I don't have such a negative view on Islam actually. Islam was the biggest part of my identity throughout most of my life. The only thing that lead me to apostasy was, ironically, the Quran. I was told by my surroundings that every Muslim must read the Quran at least once in their life time. So I did when I was 19 yrs old.
    (this part can be found offensive)
    What I found was actually a very flawed book. There was no consistency in it. It was extremely repetitive and ambiguous. It contradicts itself too many times to take it seriously. It makes scientific presumptions that are just wrong. It spends far too much time defending itself from criticism aimed at it and the Prophet way back then. It's a book stuck in its time in more ways than you could imagine. It's a book written for its time and its people and not the world in the future.
    My apostasy didn't take one day. It was one of the most distressful times of my life. I found flaws in it and tried finding explanations that would annul my doubts. But it didn't work out. The explanations were overly convoluted and desperate, the inconsistencies were very clear.
    Today, it extremely clear to me why Islam isn't the religion of God (neither is any other for that matter) and I don't understand how I couldn't have figured all of this out earlier. Living with a religious state of mind (no matter what religion) blocks out the possibility of any other reality.
    So many former Muslims I've spoken to all say the same thing - "it's so clear that it was all a lie, I don't understand how I didn't see it earlier". Whatever you tell a child will stick with the child throughout its life.
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    Not offended at all. We had completely different experiences, i only came to Islam after reading the Quran. I was raised Mexican Catholic, but fell from grace real early on.
    To me the Quran is like those 3D pictures that you have to stare at as you slowly pull them away from your face, then you see the picture and it's like "shiiit", and you can now look around. you can explore every corner of it as long as you stay focused.. if not you see a shitty chaotic picture. That's how i read the Quran too. You know how almost all chapters start with the bismillah? i feel like that's our guide, our reminder that God is the ever merciful, so as you begin the chapter read the words with a merciful heart and receive a merciful understanding. 
    Maybe i'm biased now, i can't deny that that's a possibility, but i dont see the contradictions. i worked hard on not believing this and now believe he guides everyone differently, in their own time and in their own way. Everyone's path is different and that's what makes life so beautiful. 
    The guide to life is echoed through all religious works and within our souls. Different interpretations of the same truth, walk a path of love, charity, modesty, and gratitude. It is our responsibility as humans of this world to seek knowledge and question everything.
    What kind of Muslim would i be if i didn't quote the Quran at least once?  :ey:
    You shall not follow anyone blindly in those matters of which you have no knowledge, surely the use of your ears and the eyes and the heart - all of these, shall be questioned on the Day of Judgment.
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    Hey, if you voluntarily converted than all the more power to you. That's really brave of you.
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  20. you're the brave one.The worst my family does is make camel jokes and tell me to say what's up to saddam hussein when i go pray.  Hope your family takes it well. If you still live at home and get kicked out or something, i'll rent you a room real cheap. 
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