Herb is Sacred

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by yogisuba, Dec 29, 2014.

  1. #21 yogisuba, Jan 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 6, 2015
    You're right about the lie part - I was being a stung drama queen. Even so, using the word lie has a much stronger impact than wrong, incorrect, error, and such. I wish to draw attention to what i am saying, not selling. It is a difficult position to be in when i am actually selling something as well. How to balance that? My answer: share freely. Most everything I publish is free via my blogs. It might not be all neat and tight like the books, but for the most part, it's all there. The only exception is my bio - that's my life i'm selling. My Path of Christ book is a PDF file you can download freely. My point is, I do want to make money, but at the same time, I really believe in this "mystical bath water" I'm in, to loosely borrow you words - it helps clean up my life.      
    I like your insight regarding the "web site," in some ways, that really is the truth. For me, more so than money, it's the insightful exchanges with others that I seek. I like it when others pick up something I have to say and reflect, challenge, and extend it - or - disprove it. I actually do aspire to be consistent and truthful. What I seek is happiness, peace, harmony, balance, joy, and a bunch of other good things. And conversations like ours, while uncomfortable to me, do tend to shine light on those things in my life I would otherwise desire to ignore. So thank you. Be Blessed. 

  2. [SIZE=medium]Pothead,[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]why would you want your head in a pot?[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]It's so restricting.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]Don't burn out,[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]but burn away the shackles and B free:[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]Smoke Herb Consciously.[/SIZE]
  3. I was hurt
    Herb helped me heal
    and let go of the anger
  4. Peace friend.  I don't know what's up with me sometimes.  Of course there isn't anything wrong with what you're doing as long as you're sincere and you're not spamming this forum.  We all gotta live, eh?
  5. #25 yogisuba, Jan 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 15, 2015
    Fear is one of the most rudimentary emotions we experience.
    It locks us in
    keeps us down
    prevents us from being free
    to experience unbounded joy:
    It controls us.
    Herb helps us look at it
    touch it
    befriend it so that we can work with it and ultimately let it go...
  6. You gotta understand that when most of us see someone posting links to their own sites asking for money, we usually get offended right away without seeing what's going on. Wouldn't you?

    Its not justified but it is human nature.

    No one can make you feel bad without your consent

    Very true, as long as one is prepared to accept, and act on, what one finds. Not always easy.
    Fear is a difficult thing to deal with, it's sneaky, underhand, and just when you think you've found it, something else pops up, that was lying underneath, hidden by what had been covering it.
    It really is an on-going process. We have them, experience them, and don't always recognise what they are. They lurk in the shadows, even appear to be something else. Most simply carry on with them, doing the best they can.
  8. Blessings Yuri,
    I hear you. Normally I agree, especially if the poster just joined and jumps off with some link to a product.
    I hope that I have shown myself to be someone looking for more than just money in this forum. In fact, I hope to create meaningful dialog that will not only shine light on another awesome benefit of Herb, but also come to grow and connect with other beautiful souls.
    Be Blessed
  9. It looks more like weed poems than meaningful dialog.

    Can you explain your theory? The definition of sacred is "worthy of religious worship", is that how you feel about weed?
  10. I also have a similar question.

    When you say herb is sacred, then ask us to help spread this truth. You realize not everyone is receptive to the idea. Especially the "sacred" part.

    What kinds of things would you for example, say to, a very conservative agnostic; to convince them?

  11. I also feel there is a certain sacredness to using this plant, just like any Shaman might feel about the substance they use for their spiritual practice.
    This is why I might use the word 'entheogen' to describe it, for to me it certainly is one. Not as profoundly so as some of the other helper plants - what we'd call the psychedelics, and yet not really that different either. It all comes down to intention perhaps, recognising something that is always there but often hard to feel, to define, that once has been becomes a major part of how some live their life.
    I could say that all cannabis use is entheogenic, even if the user is in no way using it this way. We define the term 'recreational', but this really just describes how we feel or what we're doing while on it. Often taken with friends, there are usually moments when we feel a connection that makes it seem realer than usual. It is this feeling that points to the sacred.
    Many of us have used cannabis to assist in meditation, specifically intending, setting the scene, being alone, sitting, walking, listening to music, whatever, and the sense of stillness, peace, of presence, can be quite profound. This moves us closer to the feeling of sacred.
  12. Blessings,
    No, I do not feel like Herb is something to worship, but something to partake in as we worship – to deepen our practices, meditations, rituals, worship, playing music, writing, art, et cetera.
    Nice. That is a really interesting question Yuri. When you hear this saying, "Sacred Bond," does that conjure up images of religion or something else? To me it conjures the idea of unbreakable, of being made from the deepest recess of our beings.  
    Whitman said, "If anything is sacred, the human body is sacred." And I would add, anything that increases, supports, encourages our efforts to get to know these bodies, to connect with them in a wholesome and positive way is sacred too. In addition, anything that truly supports our efforts to connect with the moment, environment, and each other in a deep and lasting way is sacred to.   
    To me the word sacred goes beyond religious sentiment while at the same time also being able to be as mundane as our ritual coffee in the morning. It is something we elevate for whatever reason out of our "normal" day to day lives. Of course, some would call that morning coffee an addiction. It can be that to.
    The idea that sacred has to be boxed in with religion or that it has to be something specific or a one size fits all kind of thing is sad. I see sacred as anything that invites that moreness, that connection, those moments that somehow sparkle, distinguished from the norm. And the beautiful thing about that is, there really is no difference between the moment before the sparkle and the moment after it other than the mind that abides within it. And Herb, Sacred Herb invites those moments more and more into our lives if only we open ourselves to them.
    So, to answer your question, I am not sure if I can. I am not trying to convert anyone, nor do I care to. What I am doing is sharing my experiences. I like the idea that my experiences might inspire others to seek those moments consciously in their lives. As for asking people to spread the word, well, that is part of helping even more people to recognize another beautiful benefit of Herb.
    Thanks esseff – I could not have said it better. The truth is, while I do personally have in mind the spiritual side of things when I say the word Sacred, I also have in mind the more basic sense of it being just something special and awesome, and Sacred is the best word I have to describe it.
    Be Blessed Everyone...
    P.S. Thanks people - this is exactly what i mean when i say, "Meaningful Dialog"
  13. #33 yogisuba, Jan 19, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2015
    It's okay to hurt
    be in pain
    it's when we cover it up
    hide from it
    run away
    justify it -
    that's when we suffer...
    This is another benefit I have gained from herb - recognizing some of the reasons why we suffer when we are in pain.
    Two months back I fell at work and would have died if not for two emergency surgeries. While recovering Herb helped me touch in with the pain and learn from the healing process. The above poem arose from that process.
  14. Pain is quite a teacher. We suffer when we don't recognise that it has something to say.
    If we deal with it well, while it might not take it away, it allows it to be because it is, rather than because it shouldn't be.
    We have much to learn from how we deal with pain. Sometimes it's the only way we ever do.
    [SIZE=medium]Some would say, "that is the only way we can truly know ourselves." While i do not agree with this sentiment, there is something to be said about it. The way we deal with and act while dealing with trials, tribulations, pain, sickness, stress, and even when we are drunk off our asses says a lot about us.[/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]One of the things i have learned over the years is that pain, while extremely discomforting and even unbearable at times, is really not as bad as my mind makes it out to be. For instance, when i fell, the actually pain was not bad at all. The adrenaline and shock muted it. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]Even later, when i laid sleepless because of the pain, the pain itself was not half as bad as the frustration of not being able to sleep because of it. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]I do not pretend as if i'm immune to pain, that is surely not the case. I would much rather not experience it if i could. But at the same time, i no longer harbor the extreme aversion to it as i use to. [/SIZE]
    [SIZE=medium]One of the things i have learned from pain is to be open to what is, rather than what i hope to be. I have learned this lesson from other things in life as well, but pain really brings it home. By finding peace and happiness in our lives while in pain, it makes it much easier to find it when we're free from it. [/SIZE]
  16. Herb is not a panacea for all things wrong
    she's a support
    much like a parent steadying their child
    as they learn to walk,
    or like a guide
    who walks us through the jungles of the mind.
    Herb is my friend
    and when I'm away from her
    my life goes on,
    it's just sad
    and it angers me
    that to get a job
    i must part from her company -
    selling myself in ways
    she disapproves.
    Yes, i'm sorry Mary Jane
    i have to earn a slave's wage
    to feed my family.
    Much like religion, you give us hope;
    not the hope of some imaginary kingdom after death
    but the kingdom of life as we draw in a breath:
    Life is Beautiful
    One of the beautiful things Herb does for me is invite the space from which I can shift my perspective, my world, my Path. Tonight I just wanted to sit down and burn out in front of the television for the third night in a row. But, if the truth be told, I really don't want to. I really want to meditate, to focus on enlightening things instead of spending another wasted night doing nothing. But, as it is, I am feeling a little down and lacking in inspiration.
    As I sat there on the cusp, the desire to smoke arose. I want to smoke, for as soon as I do the night will shift and hours will be spent investigating my own mind - allowing the creative energy to flow through me instead of having to fight it, as is often the case.
    The very thought of smoking helped. Here I am, now forty minutes later with no desire to sit in front of the boob-tube. Instead of withering away my energy I am using it to strengthen and learn about myself. Life really is beautiful... 

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