What happens after we die

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by moxe, Dec 25, 2014.

  1. I have thought about stuff like this all my life, and like to use science to help open doors to these questions.
    Recently I read alot about how theres theories that black holes lead to other realms/realities, and a theory that the universe will come to an end as a giant black hole sucking itself in. Putting these two together in my head I came up with my own theory. 
     When we die we no longer have a functioning brain, which means we cant perceive time. Even though it would take the universe trillions of years to reach this black hole state in which it ends, when you die you wont perceive those trillions of years so you technically go straight into the other realm and start a new life. I feel reincarnation is possible just from the fact that I have come into existence once, it gives the possibility for it to happen again, unless mathematics and such things work differently in other realms.
    Hopefully that made sense, now I wonder if those realms have their own types of cannabis?  :confused: 
    Share your thoughts..

  2. #2 SlightlyStonedSD, Dec 25, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 25, 2014

    na but sometimes I wonder if black holes give birth to new universes. like once they reach a critical mass they burst into a new big bang in another plane of existence...

    ...this some good weed
  3. I believe once you die you are dead.

  4. We shit our pants
  5. How the fuck is anyone supposed to even have a clue what happens? Molecular decomposition and dispersion seems pretty likely. Without a brain, I doubt there'll be much experiencing going on. Not much "me" going on, either. Maybe.   :confused_2:  
  6. You get your questions answered, watch your life like a movie then you are judged for re-incarnation.
    Just my guess based on how I would do things if I were God.
  7. Our bodies are skin suits
    They are vehicles, much like our cars or other forms of transportation
    This 3D earth is a classroom
    Looks like many have and will fail and repeat until they overcome it's illusions
  8. ^Prefer the teacher apprentice outlook?
    Do you want a play by play because you said after and I can imagine you want before during and after.
    Before your death your body would struggle to perform it's routines, I would imagine exactly like a cat if not immediate - your body will fire off every last feel good it has, adrenalin, endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin, ect. And if prof whoever deh fek was right, your body shoots up some internal stash of hallucinogenic DMT as a final send off.
    If your brain is mostly intact and has a chance to pump enough of the emergency death drugs, it stands to reckon the heavily intoxicated mind-brain would see everything it believed, and of course time would stretch toward the infinity.
    Welcome to the afterlife. If you want you can call the tween of a few seconds/minutes into infinite a singularity.
  9. Our energy gets constituted into something else....minus the memory of what you 'think' you are or were. 
  10. Nobody knows what happens until it happens to them. It is stupid to let an organised religion tell you otherwise.
  11. I think it is as simple as you die, brain shuts down, body decays, nothingness. Ya never know though.
  12. i remember that energy can't be destroyed soo...who knows.
    the greatest surprise ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  lol
  13. I dunno, I had a dream I drowned once, it felt pretty comfortable.
  14. My thoughts are that no-one will ever know what truly happens after we die. You cannot experience the afterlife, until you end this life, sure people have died and came back, and have seen some stuff, but that's just another way our universe is fucking with us, making it more complicated. Maybe we don't all go to the same place, who knows? We can keep making these theories, but in the end, we are just guessing.. But I do, enjoy reading the theories, as they are interesting. :)
  15. #15 emdeex, Jan 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2015
    Remember how you felt before you were born? Me neither. That's what I think is gonna happen when we die.

    Unless, we reappear in a different worlds and galaxies as different beings or maybe not even, who the fuck knows..

    Wasn't sent from my iPhone.
    I feel what you're saying is both anthropocentric and narcissistic. There is no reason to think that you'll be in any other state when you're dead other than the one you were in before you were born. Having intelligent minds that perceive what surrounds it better than any other creature on this planet does not earn you or your "soul" eternal existence. Souls are superstitions in themselves.
  17. #17 Ninja20p, Jan 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 22, 2015
    The state of before you were born isn't one at all.
    Tadealis only comes into existence as you will 'em to.
    We need a frame of reference to exist, what is this we, when asked what happens when we die.
    That we is a confabulation. It makes me chuckle how frail I me we you us, truly is. When you stop and ponder having just read this stuff, your idea of you won't even be existent it will be gone. Replaced by this present you.
    Your meat suit actively processes and saves, you are biological autonomous thing, redesigning and programming yourself, tweaking the operating system on purpose, or sub-consciously.
    The best thing one might do for themselves is to realize and distinctualize(yes I made that up just now) that one's actions are being governed by a superficial dynamically changing persona they are roleplaying on a daily basis.
    I am out of words for a minute, gotta vape.
    Thought of a funny musing while bag was filling. When I see a Caucasian thirty something year old American man, going to Christian church on Sundays, I can't help but imagine them going home one hour later jumping on Internet explorer and checking their hotmail ; ) [think stock/default settings instead of attempting to use max performance settings]
    Indeed we do.
    Thing is, when one thinks of physical death, which is only based on what's left behind once life has left it, without being told, shown, proved, that something else is going on, it is easy to assume there isn't anything going on but rotting. A valid perspective. If I don't see it, and you haven't proved anything else, therefore . . . yada yada yada.
    Nothing wrong with this stance. It is perfectly valid.
    For others (and for the purposes of this post I'm NOT including those who follow a religion and get their ideas from a book or what someone else has told them) there can be experiences that reveal there is another facet to life. I think we all have them, but not everyone recognises them for what they are, and yet, those who take psychedelics, but specifically, those who alter their consciousness with MJ who have gone beyond just laughing and eating pizza (nice though it is) have a valid perspective too.
    Now, of course, if your meat suit and jelly brain is all you are, unfortunately, at the end, there will be nothing there to know you were right - shame. On the other hand, if there is something else, well, you'll now be experiencing that and all concept of these discussions will have no meaning.
    For those who live their lives with a feeling that life is just a small moment in a much bigger idea, regardless of what that actually is, and in a way, imagining it while useful to begin with, may get in the way along the way, creates a way of experiencing life that reveals this
    If ultimately the meat suit is all there is, again, they'll be nothing there to realise this, yet if there is more, while it may not be anything we imagine it to be, off we go anyway.
    It's all good, so it really doesn't matter whether you believe this or that exactly, just be who you are, live your life well, whatever that means to you, and more will reveal itself as you go when the time is right.
  19. No need to prove self evidencies, things that with education of facts will cause such truths to jump out at you. The religions of the future will be in the spiritual nature of science, basking in such raw knowledge will be Ecstasy.
    Don't just say it so unenthusiastically, I can tell you arn't revelating in the spiritual power of it. You declare if you are this meat suit, BLARGH pffft teeehh, then it just isn't spiritual or something.
    The meat suit possesses potential ! The potential to house souls, provide a framework for you to affect the world through your will !
    the truth sounds more incredible than just, oh look we are flesh. You are the metaphysical data/storage of configurations that has been processed by your body.
    Say, I look at red and so do you. We both declare we see red. What we actually see, that is a piece of you man. Your body processes it, and feels it. You are your emotions as much as you are your information. God it's so hard to explain.
    just no assumptions. only truth as knowledge.
    You are an interesting fellow indeed.
    You are right. It is hard to explain things we feel. Words can be so limiting, creating as much confusion as understanding.
    I agree though - everything is inside us. There is no 'out there' even if it seems like there is.

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