ppl still believe pot is bad?

Discussion in 'General' started by givehug, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Just been talking to a girl from Washington. Asked her about weed.
    At the end of the conversation she stated that she is glad I'm not a president.
    She is 25, has access to internet and stuff, doesnt look dumb at all, totally adequate if talking about average things.
    But all her arguments were - "drug is bad, drug is bad!!!, its slows you brain in the long run" - No its not - "yes it does!"
    She is against gay marriages btw. This time her arguments were - "Imagine two dudes with beards kissing in church in front of the Pope. "
    WTF do such people still exist? where do they get that info from? I thought in your 20s in america you should be more or less open minded by default, shouldn't you?

  2. #2 puddleglum, Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2014
    By that logic, shouldn't you be more open-minded to her opinions?
  3. It's probably what her daddy told her and his daddy before him. People don't want to believe their parents are stupid.
  4. I respect her opinion and shit but it was just surprizing to me...
    I've never been talking to mormons about weed...
    but she was a first person of he age to have this point of view
  5. Well if you're not familiar with weed and all you see are anti-drugs/weed ads everywhere you start to believe it even if you're educated.

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  6. Well that's why you were surprised. Mormans are some religous nuts.
  7. Not all of em, I talked my morman grandparents into voting yes for FL's medical bill
  8. I was just having an argument with my mom about it. It is now legal in oregon (where we live), and she is convinced it was a horrible idea. She said think of all the people who will be driving high now. I said.....you think thats a new thing, like you dont think people already do? She said, yeah they do, but now its condoned.

    I laughed my ass off and said, yeah just how driving drunk is condoned.... oh wait, it isnt. If it was I wouldnt have a dui on my reccord and over 3700 in legal fees.

    She is so ignorant.

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  9. Yea you answered your own question with the Norman thing,g. As much as you may wanna try and change her mind, people that in the dark or dedicated to their opinions just aren't worthwhile to do so...

    Decently do not bang, even if you did manage to get it you would probably be doing it wrong anyway.... ie - not missionary

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  10. Everyone is stupid except me.  :metal:
  12. Apparently my 14 y/o brother thinks it's bad.. We're very different people I would say.

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  13. It's not physically bad, but I will say it could be mentally bad.

    I've seen stoners get check advances just to pay for weed.
  14. The only people who think it's bad are people who have never even tried smoking weed.. bunch a hypocrites they are.
    My brother is like so against it, it's kind of embarrassing. He caught me high one time and thought I was a drug lord selling pot by the pound. Saying I was throwing my life away haha. My ribs hurt so bad I was laughing so hard.

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