New to dabbing

Discussion in 'Concentrate Tools' started by Weedology, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. Im buying a rig soon and have some questions. Ive been smoking dry herb for a really long time and decided i should get in the concentrate world because im moving to washington for college. What is the best type of nail to use and i dont want an enail. I hear stuff about oxidation and wear and it being harmful if smoked. What does the oxidation look like? Like a green penny or what. And is it okay to use the rig for dry herbs too and is it easy to clean the honey residue from the dab. Does the dab taste really stay in the bong even when cleaned?

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  2. #2 DabsOnTheMountain, Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2014
    Enjoy washington, it's a beautiful state. I always wanted to move there or Oregon. And thats alotta questions man.. But the best type of nail to use to me is a highly educated flux nail. They're cheap, readily available, and you don't need a carb cap to take low temp dabs. Everyone is going to say any dome-less nail but think about having a hot nail out in the open, and a decent dome-less cost $135, with a $50 carb cap to fit it. The flux nail costs $35. The flux nails are awesome, my joints don't get sticky that fast and it handles some globs. I've used other nails and the flux is the best just because of the direct inject. My friend has an infinity on his rig, but i still use the flux nail when we chill because it takes less time to heat up and it's just more fun to use. There's something about the puff of smoke from carbing the dome when you get the temp just right. 
    Oxidation looks like a white dust over the nail that dosn't come off, i don't know if it's harmful. I've never heard of someone actually getting sick, but people havn't been dabbing for that long so we'll see what happens with long term use. My nail is chalky white and i still use it...
    And with cleaning, try to keep oil rigs for oils and your bong for herb. Cleaning with alcohol gets rid of the taste but you have to clean it every time you switch from bud to oil. I'm not a pot snob, but oil through something you used for herb isn't that tasty at all... It's worth keeping your pieces separate or at least cleaning them when you switch from bud to oil. The dab taste dosn't stay, but the weed/smoke taste does.
  3. If you wanna go TI id reccomend Highly Educated like many others, ceramic id go Hive, quartz id go Quave Club banger
  4. A decent domeless starts off around $60 not $135 and the carbcap only cost $25 not $50. Idk where you are getting your numbers
  5. Thanks mate. Yeah i do have a lot of questions, sorry.

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  6. Is TI titanium? And idk if its because im high but what are you saying after reccomend.

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  7. TI= titanium.

    Highly Educated = name brand TI

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  8. #8 DabsOnTheMountain, Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2014
    Local headshops.
    And i'm saying the infinity, because i wouldn't get a domeless unless it was one. Then you only have to replace the heads and not the whole nail. And where are you getting your numbers too? Even aqua lab dosnt have nails that cheap.. that i remember...
    Don't apologize man, those were all legit questions. I still wonder about oxidation too even.
  9. Thanks for clearing that up i felt stupid as fuck because i hate not understanding shit when im high but i wouldnt of understood that sober so thats cool.

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  10. Save your $$ for now. ppl will be dabbing and having rigs up there. Wait till your there and find some deals by some local blowers. You are way better off waiting and experiencing it all first hand and then deciding what to get, instead of reading about it and deciding. 
    If you must get something now then get a dedicated oil rig. Never smoke flowers out of your oil rig unless you clean the shit out of it after. For a nail get the Highly Educated infinity nail. It will save you $$ in the long run. If you want a dome then get something with an adjustable head so you can replace heads as needed.
  11. When I first jumped in this section I was lost. Read just about everything on here before I decided to jump out and ask questions.

    Everyone was/is greatly helpful in this section and helped me out. I like to repay the favor :)

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  12. From a WA blade here, this site's gonna be your friend. 

    Their stuff is mad cheap but several steps above the quality of any local head shop you'll walk into. The nails I've bought there have gotten a heavy workout in the last year and held up beautifully. The extraction tube I got there is such thick glass it's a damn club.
    No other affiliation on my part, just an awesome store in the home state that I can't recommend highly enough.
  13. Another fellow washitonian also told me about this website he also has a youtube channel called strain central

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum while blowing O's
  14. Very informative great forum you guys really give quality advice
  15. I'd recommend a hive ceramic nail. Gets all the taste of the concentrates and healthy as far as I've read. Takes longer to heat but stays hotter longer. I use that and a carb cap for low temp dabs. They are expensive but worth the money I'd say. Also don't smoke flowers in your rig. You can use ISO to clean it out and let the ISO evap. Then you have reclaim for edibles or can smoke it again in a pinch.

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