UK police to get drugalyser kits starting this week

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by sKiTz-0, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. #21 bushsmokerkushsmoker, Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2014
    This. It's why they prescribe weed for eye related conditions. Such as cataracts. The government are full of shit. Revolution much needed, from this post only they'll probably shoot me tomorrow and say I OD'd on weed
  2. I'm not advocating driving whilst stoned, far from it. Despite the fact that I know I am a much safer driver personally after a smoke than I am after 2-3 beers. Although these days I don't drive after any beer or any spliffs at all. But that is another discussion altogether. I can imagine a lot of people are irresponsible though and drive when completely incapable and blazed, I'm happy for dangerous people to be taken off the streets.

    But what I'm trying to ascertain is should I be worried about testing positive if I smoke or vape the night before, or even 2 days before. Because if so, I may have to drastically change my smoking habits. And with immediate effect it may seem...
  3. #23 Uncle_Meat420, Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2014
    Havn't you brits learned yet? You gotta kick your government in the balls once in awhile not just suckle on the queens tits hoping she will make everything better.
  4. I can't see this working out, I mean they don't catch that many drivers who use their phones while driving and they don't need any new equipment for that. Also they don't even catch that many drink drivers.
    Will they have to be trained to use this fancy new toy and keep it calibrated? With all the cuts going on I can't see this being used very much and it could cause many problems if it is.
  5. Living here in the UK has taught me one thing...there arent enough cops here to even begin worrying about what they do or do not carry on their persons...try driving 90 for 10 miles on Interstate 10 across Texas or up 75 through Atlanta and see how far you get before the blues get ya...over here, I might drive for three days before I even see a cop.....
    That's what you've learned from living in the UK? Have you never been to Glasgow or London?...cause I'm from one and visit the other regularly, there's police all over the shop.
    Depends where you live I guess, but I've been pulled over twice this month alone.
  7. Yes normally I wouldn't be worried, as I don't smoke and drive, and I only really drive to work and back and hardly ever see any coppers about. Just with it being this time of year, I know previously on the week before xmas there have been routine roadblocks in the early morning where they flag you down and breathalyse you. This has happened to me the last 2 years running.Of course I've been fine as I hardly drink anyway, and it's not much on a work night if I'm up at 6am the next day. But as I smoke every day I can see there pretty much always being thc in my system.
  8. #28 willyD420, Dec 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2014
    So they have a test to tell whether your high? I always thought of being high as a state of mind idk??
  9. While I don't disagree with you completely, I would argue that not everyone reacts the same way in a car after smoking.
    Take a new smoker for example. Obviously it comes down to the end user and being confident in your ability to react and function normal after THC. But the new smoker would be hit much harder by the feelings of THC. And I for one would not feel comfortable with them being behind a wheel of a car. 
    It's a difficult one. But I do think it's obviously better for the majority to be sober behind the wheel.
    As for the breathalyser. Who know how frequently it's going to be used? I would of thought the police will need a reason to use it. For example if someone is driving erratically and passes an alcohol test. Someone passes a alcohol test but visually looks wasted. Or if you are pulled over and the smell of marijuana coming from your car is overwhelming.
    I don't think they will be stopping every man and his granny to use this test. I think most people will be fine the day after. You never know, listerine might even help speed things us.
    Is there a threshold for the content of thc detected?  You can have a constant blood alcohol level at 0.05 and not be taken in for drunk driving.  If not, then no worries, that shit will get thrown out after many challenges in court.  Common law precedent will change how that works for sure.
  11. You should be able to take your drivers test high and get a green sticker on your license. If you don't pass high you can't drive high.

    Lmao at the post about seeing better high so driving better high. I'm pretty sure it's illegal because it slows your reaction time not because you go blind.
  12. #32 Galaxy420, Dec 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2014
    I agree completely but it will not matter about experience or no experience if pulled over and tested(they will not give two shits about it)  but the levels will be what they are in each person regardless, just their own personal reactions to those levels will be different.
    anytime blood flow increases to an organ the effectiveness of the organ is increased, the eye in this instance. the funny thing, the person could have the better vision from a high cbd low thc strain and have zero reaction time interference and still get the better eyesight from the increased blood flow. meant to say in original post that cannabis assisted blood flow increase is the reason it helps with glaucoma in the eyes...
  13. Honestly I've never smoked any strain of weed that wouldn't impair my driving in some way. Now, I've driven baked before, and it would definitely be nowhere near driving drunk (never done that though) but there's definitely a point where you get too baked to drive properly.
  14. #34 sKiTz-0, Dec 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2014
    Agree completely. There was an interesting tv programme about it a few years ago and they had a test group and tried them with the same tests (driving around cones, reverse parking etc) first when sober, then when drunk and then again when stoned. The results of the test were exactly as I would have expected compared to my own experience of driving when high. The people driving when drunk were overly confident in their driving ability yet performed poorly compared to the sober drivers. Whereas the drivers when stoned were more cautious when driving. And performed as good as, and in some cases better than when sober. This is me, I used to drive afer a spliff or two and although my reaction times were slower, I was well aware of this and drove more cautiously as a result. Like I say, nowadays though I don't drive after any amount of weed at all.
    I'm just really wondering how much thc would be detectable in your saliva/blood the morning after a good session, where I wouldn't be stoned still at all, and would be very capable of driving, but will still have levels of thc in my body. As M369 said above, I think you would have to be either driving erratically or visibly stoned (red eye or something) for them to have cause to use it. I just don't want to get caught out. I will have had detectable levels of thc in my system for the last 16 years solid.
  15. MJ is an intoxicant and classified as a narcotic. MMJ use it to relive CHRONIC pain and put people to sleep in many cases just like ambien or Oxycontin. Come on man, quit trying to sell reasonable people some cosmic BS. it distorts your senses in many cases, only clear and sober folks need to be drive 70mhp in a 4000lbs motor vehicle. Driving is not a right. me and my family being safe outweighs some stoner's delusion he can drive better or at all while intoxicated. Not buying it and would rather see the substance banned than have no control of it on our roads. And I am a full fan or recreational but more a fan of responsibility. And people like you make me understand why we have stupid laws.
  16. #36 Galaxy420, Dec 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2014
    prove it is an intoxicant. please pretty please!!!!!  
    not to derail your enthusiasm against this plant but in the correct % of cbd thc there is no impairment. learn your medicine bro!
    someone could say- that guy is impaired because of the mary-wannees and they would not know there were only cbds in that there mayrywanneeees
  17. A tired driver is just as or more dangerous than a legally drunk driver. A tired driver is MUCH MORE dangerous than a smoking driver. No one is condoning blazed driving but you are fooling yourself. Hell, half the drivers on the road could care less if they use a turn signal knowing it will enhance safety in a big way. But, so many could not care less about safety until it effects them or a loved one or comes with a promise of a check in the mail. Sad and scary stuff all around.
  18. So new legislation comes out in the Uk on 2nd March which makes it a hell of a lot easier to test for drug driving. It is now increasingly likely that there will be morning roadside stops in exactly the same way that there are now for alcohol. The type where the coppers always breathalyse you to try and catch people who still have a high enough level of alcohol in the blood to fail.
    The limit for illegal drugs such as canabis, cocaine etc is set very low, compared to more lenient limits on prescription drugs. The limit on cannabis is 2mcg/L. Does anybody have any good links to resources on how long it really takes for the THC level in your body to degrade below this?
    I usually like a daily smoke, but have to drive to work at 7am and don't want to get caught out. I may have to keep the vaping and smoking to weekends if it is a choice between risking my licence every morning or stopping getting stoned during the week.

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