My attitude as an atheist

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by MattMVS7, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. #1 MattMVS7, Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2014
    <div><div style="margin:0px;"><div><div><div style="margin:0px;"><div style="margin:0px;"><div>I am an atheist and since this is the one and only life I will ever have to enjoy (have pleasure in) and since I am a hedonist (which means that pleasure and suffering are the only true good and bad things in life and are the only things that determine the amount of good and bad value we as human beings have and in our lives while everything else in life besides our pleasure and suffering is neither good or bad and are only good and bad in a neutral sense which means they are not truly good or bad things at all), then allow me to live the life that I want (a life that imposes no threat and imposes no detriment on me or the lives of others) which would be a perfect happy fantasy world of full pleasure free of any suffering, depression, despair, and anhedonia.  Allow me to live that life in addition to me also having a religious belief in which I would believe that I would go to an afterlife of eternal joy free of suffering when I die.  This religious belief (although it would be false and delusional) would give me a sense of hope and superiority over the meaninglessness, mortality (dying in the end and going nowhere), imperfections, and suffering of this universe knowing that I would no longer have these things in my life when I die and that I would get the happy fantasy world of full pleasure with no suffering that I wanted in the end which would be an afterlife of eternal joy.  My idealized self living in a perfect blissful afterlife of eternal joy would be the greatest and most superior person compared to who I am now in this life as an atheist since pleasure and having no suffering in your life are the only things that determine your level of greatness and superiority as a human being.
    Allow me to both have this life of pure pleasure and no suffering along with a religious belief (a belief that would also impose no threat or detriment on me or the lives of others either and would just serve to make me happy and give me a sense of hope and superiority over the suffering in this life.  Suffering and even my own mortality being things that only serve to make me and my life inferior regardless of what anyone else says which is why I wish to be superior to those things through living a perfect happy religious life).  Since I am an atheist and this is the one and only life I will ever have to enjoy (have pleasure in), then allow me to have the religious belief I want that would make me happy and allow me to live the happy life free of suffering I want.  Since I have just as much personal value as anyone else and that I deserve to live a perfect happy life free of suffering in addition to me living for others and having full value towards them as well in giving them pleasure and that you would have no right to scorn upon my desire to be happy with no suffering and to scorn upon my desire to have a religious belief in my life since none of those said things would have any detriment and such on me and your lives and that you would have no right to frown, scorn, etc. on my personal values here just as I would have no right to frown, scorn, etc. upon your own personal values since we all have our own personal subjective values in life that hold true for us, then allow me to live that perfect blissful religious life.
    Finally, to have little to no good value towards an afterlife of eternal joy of no suffering (even though that itself is just a neutral thought since even our own thoughts are neither good or bad (neutral), then you would be just as mentally disordered as a psychopath.  This would be because to have immense value towards our own pleasure and towards the idea of having it in our lives as well as having immense value towards the pleasure of others and to have immense value towards an afterlife of eternal joy of no suffering is just how we function as normal human beings.  But to have little to no value towards your own pleasure and/or the idea (thought) of having it in your life (which would mean having little to no value towards an afterlife of eternal pleasure) and to instead have the full or greater value towards other things in life would mean that you would be just as mentally disordered as a psychopath who has little to no value towards others and their pleasure who instead has the full and greater value towards his/her own pleasure.  Therefore, to have an equal amount of value towards your own pleasure as well as others and their pleasure is what is considered mentally stable.  In other words, to have all full value towards your own pleasure and towards the idea of having it in your life as well as having all full value towards others and their pleasure is what is considered mentally stable. Therefore, since I do not have the mental disorder and will never have the mental disorder of me having little to no value towards my own pleasure and towards the idea of having it in my life and that I value others and their pleasure as much as I do, then this is yet another reason why I also have every right to value my own pleasure as much as I do (as well as the pleasure of others) and I have every right to have as much value towards an afterlife of eternal joy as much as I do.

  2. tldr but atheists are just as (insert correct word here) as Christians. Christians believe god is the fact and atheists believe that no god is fact. Neither of them know if they are right but both believe they are without evidence.
    Agnostic for the win.
  3. seriously? this with religious belief tied in to make it "new"....

    this is the 5th or 6th thread made with the "life is pleasure, everything else is neutral" with some new "twist" (hes used depression, scientific theory to be tested, evolution and now religious belief)

    this is a spam thread, and it's not just this message board this user spams this nonsense on...ban him already
  4. #4 -13 Amp-, Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2014
    and again, Atheism isn't the brief that there is no god...

    it is the disbelief in god, theres a big difference....disbelief is not a belief and atheism isn't a claim that there is no god...

    Thats where Gnostic and Agnostic come in, to claim "there is no god!" would be a gnostic atheist claim

    Agnostic in your sense is still an atheist, if you do not hold a belief in god for whatever reason (not enough evidence, it's not my cup of tea, i just don't care etc etc) you are a text book atheist...Agnostic deals with knowledge , theism/atheism deals with belief, the 2 terms go hand in hand...

    you can believe in god but claim to not know if its real (Agnostic Theist)

    believe in god and claim to not know that its real (Gnostic Theist)

    you can not believe in god and claim to know that its not real (Gnostic Atheist)

    you can not believe in god and claim to not know if its real/not real (Agnostic Atheist)
  5. #6 Account_Banned283, Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014
    I think that people understand you're a Hedonist by now Matt.. I can only assume that the reason you keep reposting the same thing is that you're looking for approval of some kind for your life-view (?), but Hedonism isn't really worth approving of, IMO, so.
  6. Ok, what if I 'saw' something and showed me my bad side and said it'd up to you to be good as you judge yourself at death...
    I used to be atheist, but since I'm human and cannot be sure of the powers of the universe, i am open to the idea of powerful organisms, but the bible seems like primitive folklore passed down by wise people to distort it to their benefit.

    Where do I fit in?
    Agnostic thiest?
    "The Oxford definition of atheist as "a person who disbelieves or lacks belief in the existence of God or gods"
  8. #9 -13 Amp-, Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2014
    a disbelief is not a dishonesty isn't honesty..
    the lack of belief, is not the belief that there is no god, it is simply the lack of belief, which isn't a belief for the opposite...

    if that was the case the definition would be "the belief that there is no god or gods" but the definition says LACK of belief, so there is no belief
  9. #10 MattMVS7, Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 22, 2014
    If I were someone in person going up to you and the faces of others and verbally repeating everything I'm saying (which would be an interference in your daily life of doing activities and other things), then this would be disrespect to you and those other people and would be irritating and offensive to you and to those other people.  But since this is just a forum and me making these topics has no interference whatsoever on your daily life other than your own decision to be offended by my repetitious topics and writing and since the internet and forums are where we just "throw" things out there for other people to talk about (which would be no different than me publishing different versions of the same books and articles and putting them on the shelves for other people to perhaps read and comment on if they want to), then me making these topics should be neither irritating, offensive, nor disrespect.  Since we do not interact as actual human beings who have an effect on each other's daily lives and we instead act as non-human intellectuals (such as books and articles) on the internet and we instead interact as mere texts (we act anonymously), then this would be no different than me publishing articles and books, having customers review them, and me replying to their comments.  Therefore, these subforums are the "shelves" while my topics here are just simply different versions of my "books and articles" that are placed upon those shelves for the other members (customers) to read and comment to if they want to or not.  So my attitude here in posting my topics is not a trolling attitude and/or just some self-centered attitude who cares about no one else.  Rather, my attitude is a "take it or leave it" attitude in which I am just simply throwing books on the shelves and people don't have to be offended by that at all.  You can either take my books, read them, and comment on them if you like them.  Or just simply ignore the fact that my books are repetitious and just simply find other shelves and other books to read instead without having ever been offended and such.
    Edit:  Alright, so even though my topics were different despite the fact that they are all based around the same subject of pleasure being the only good in life, I guess this does not warrant them as being different topics.  Rather, it warrants them to instead be different posts in the same topic.  Therefore, all posts regarding pleasure being the only good and greatest thing in life will all be restrained to this topic only from now on.
  10. This is not true. God is proven to be made up by humans.

    Its true you cannot prove that God doesn't exist, but yoyou can't prove unicorns don't exist either.

    Being agnostic is silly. Its like saying unicorns could exist. Yea OK. Technically you are correct :lol: (but probly not)

    Maybe some sort of "Creator" exists. Accepting this truth doesn't make you "agnostic"

    And agnostic is someone who isn't convinced but is afraid of hell

    And atheist iis someone who can see through fantasy bullshit

  11. #12 ReturnFire333, Dec 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2014
    No. An agnostic is someone who does not confirm or deny possibilities because he knows he can not know. Atheists and creationists are wrongly close minded. Agnostics are open.
    Agnostic is saying maybe a God exists, maybe it doesn't.
  12. #13 -13 Amp-, Dec 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2014
    And it doesn't cover belief...

    You can believe in god and say its unknowable, that's where faith (belief without evidence/proof) comes into play...agnostic theist

    If you claim god does exist and you believe then you are gnostic theist...

    you claim god doesn't exist, gnostic athiest

    You claim god may or may not exist and you don't believe, agnostic atheist
    (that's what I personally am, I don't claim to know if god is real or not, but I don't hold a belief in god, I'm just not intrested, religion does nothing for me)

    Agnostic and gnostic only adress knowledge/lack of knowledge
    Theist and atheist only adress belief/lack of belief...

    They go hand in hand
  13. #14 ReturnFire333, Dec 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2014
    Wrong. Theist has to do solely with the concept of belief in god, also gnostic deals with belief as well. Agnostic atheist is a complete oxy moron. Agnostic confirms nor denies, atheist denies, creationist confirms. It's all belief.
  14. semantics.

    You are lumping everyone into 3 categories when really there are like 5

    Arrogant atheist

    Believing in the possibility of a Creator falls under atheism.

    Agnostic specifically implies "God"

  15. #16 ReturnFire333, Dec 23, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 23, 2014
    You are the one splitting with semantics, differentiating "creator" from "God". Agnostic specifically implies nothing, open to all possibilites.
    Atheism is closed to only one belief, no God.
    You people really need to do a simple good search of the definition of these words, it's on the god damn front page.
    I am having a hard time even trying to figure out what you are arguing here/what your point is. What about atheism are you trying to get across?
    Also you are completely wrong. There are two definitions of God, one of which is not inherently Christian, and atheists believe that neither God exists. Learn your own fucking definitions.
  17. ^^^^^^
    If people haven't figured out this rudimentary concept by now, no amount of explanation will get them to understand. I just let people think what they want to.... it makes them and me feel better about ourselves. The definition of atheist has been massacred by people who think its a positive claim rather than a response to a positive claim. That level of intellectual dishonesty gets on my nerves.
  18.  Pretty sure OP is not an atheist.

     Ive seen threads like this for over a decade, so they're easy to spot.  

     It's quite simple, really..  Claim yourself as an atheist, throw in a little 'hedonism' to make us seem like irresponsible satanists who behave without worrying about the consequences, and then the little brief autobiography (i use the term 'brief' VERY loosely here LOL!), designed to make atheists look annoying, pompous, and narcissistic.

     Can y'all smell that? *sniff-sniff*   I smell a fundamentalist christian >:]
  19. Careful there, you're getting cocky ;)

     Atheists actually can safely believe in a creator, just not a god ;)  I firmly believe all life on earth came from a comet that arrived after Earth collided with another celestial body, which created our moon.  Some atheists believe aliens brought life to planets, and it's certainly feasible, albeit farfetched.  The comet belief is quite solid (lol get it?) IMO, as many organisms on earth can easily tolerate being frozen solid, or boiled alive.  There are flies that can live in pure petroleum.  So what really constitutes as 'livable' for life really has no limit.  

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