Black Holes are fucking enormous

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by HighlyHumble, Dec 21, 2014.

  1. #1 HighlyHumble, Dec 21, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 21, 2014
    I think grasscity needs an astronomy thread so I can posts videos like this without having to make a new thread.
    This fucking video blew a hole in my mind. It fucked with me so hard that I was on the verge of a panic attack.
    I hope you enjoy the mind fuck.
    Wear a condom.
    Edit: Title should've said Super massive black holes are fucking enormous, but whatever.

  2. Damn, talk about gaping.
  3. Awesome vid. Black holes are still pretty much unaccounted for but maybe we'll know the answer in a few years.

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  4. Jesus H Christ, i'm not even high and that shit blew me away. When it got to the part showing how big the last one was, I just about shitted myself.
  5. I can't wait to stick my dick in a black hole when the technology makes it possible

    That'd be like throwing a hotdog down a hallway.. or maybe throwing a nanometer thick piece of spaghetti into a quarry.
  7. Haha right? I thought the last black hole was going to be a little bigger than out sun, but when it showed it was multiple times bigger than our solar system, I literally yelled, "HOLY FUCKING JESUS TITS". 
    and 20 billion stellar masses? GODDAMN
    I still have to check if that's accurate. 
  8. I cannot fathom a black hole larger than our solar system....

    Imagine how many worlds it must of devoured.
  9. Last one is uncomprehendable. That is so big. So massive. So humongous. The possibilities of different stuff living around other places of galaxy is just incredible.

    this is my signature. Right here.
  10. Isn't science fucking with creating a black hole machine as of late?

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  11. #11 As Above So Below, Dec 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 24, 2014
    Might be random, but after watching this video it reconfirms my belief that we are not alone in this universe.
    I mean seriously, after seeing how incomprehensible our universe is, you're really going to sit there and say with 100% certainty that humans are the only creatures in existence...???
    Just looking at probability and chance, there's no way we are alone in this universe.
    I laugh so fucking hard when people say we are the only people in the universe, it's mostly Christians who say this (ignorant as ever).
  12. Particle accelerators? They aren't trying to produce them, but they are a theoretical byproduct of smashing atoms together at close to the speed of light. These black holes would be microscopic and die out within a few seconds. I'm not sure if they ever actually happened though. I'll look into it.
    Assuming that the universe is infinite, which it's looking like it is, then not only are there over lifeforms out there, but theoretically, there is another you out there. Another planet Earth. Another Pluto.
    It's pretty absurd to think we're the only ones. But if we are, it's an awful waste of space. 
  13. "black holes are fucking ennormous" understated and subjected rest of thread to be read in monotone
  14. The universe is so vast that it's hard for us to even fathom it. I just watched neil degrass Tyson on the Joe roegan experience and my head just about exploded.
  15. Anyone else see the video about where they talk about black holes being the 'projector' of our holographic universe? Interesting to think that our universe could be like some sort of digital screen, each atom being made of quarks, that don't move (like pixels on a tv screen), they just change form depending on the laws of the universe. Nothing ever actually moves, just changes to appear like it's moving.
  16. Oo, got any links? Sounds interesting.
  17. good. i'm glad. thats exactly what i wanted.
    Sounds very interesting. I second the request for a link.
  18. When I find it I will post it here.

    It should be under 'holographic universe' in youtube. I usually watch related videos so finding the exact video will take some time.
  19. every time i hear stuff like this i think back to how useless war is, we are fighting over scraps of scraps of nothing compared to the size of the known universe. if we stopped being a planet full of fucks boys and started turning bullets into space craft, maybe just maybe, we could find, see, probably lose a ton of people, and learn more about black holes, other planets, and possible extra terrestrial life. 
  20. [media][/media]
    Leonard Susskind first applied the notion of a holographic universe to string theory. I'll include a link to a general lecture he gave on the subject but I wasn't all that impressed.  

    There are many that disagree:
    "there exist classical solutions to the Einstein equations that allow values of the entropy larger than those allowed by an area law hence in principle larger than those of a black hole. These are the so-called "Wheeler's bags of gold". The existence of such solutions is in conflict with the holographic interpretation and their effects in a quantum theory of gravity including the holographic principle are not yet fully understood."

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