Probably ph related?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by punchreba, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. So this gal is about 2months from seed just flipped a few days ago.
    5gal roots original
    Added a little sta-green rapid lime to the bucket when I filled them with soil. She got a tsp of epson in her last watering. Seems like as soon as i cut the lights back these yellow tips started happining on the top fans and some of the newer node growth. Unable to check ph atm so all signs point that way to me. I havnt nuted her yet maybe hungry? but i just dont know. Hoping to get a meter soon and do it right. Any thoughts or opinions drop a line.

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  2. it's very common for fan leaves to start turning bad when you flip, I wouldn't worry about it, you and the plant don't need them anymore
  3. The tips are OK. A slight burn is not a bad thing. Never expect perfect leaves, just do not let them get out of control. Better to underfeed than overfeed.
  4. Thanks for reading much appreciated

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