Magic Flight Launch Box vs. Flowermate Vapormax v5.0S

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by MekHIGHPIPEr, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. #1 MekHIGHPIPEr, Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2014
    Hey guys, just thought I'd start another thread cause I'm trying to decide between these two vapes for my first portable herbal vape, and I'm wondering if anyone has tried both and can tell me which they like better. 
    I love the MFLB because it looks so cool and so small. I don't think I'd mind the learning curve or the batteries. And since it's made of wood, I suspect it has better vapor quality than a vape made from plastic or metal. I also like the idea of only taking one hit a time, anytime I want without waiting for it to heat up or whatever. 
    I really like this one too because it looks just like an expensive fancy e-cig so I'd say it's almost more discreet than an MFLB. Looks like you can hit the FV5S in public and no one would think twice about it while you can hit the MFLB from the palm of your hand without anyone seeing but I'd think you would have to hide it more since sucking on a wooden box (or a glass stem from a wooden box) would look kinda weird. I mean, I think I could hit the FV5S at work without my boss or anybody saying anything about it. The adjustable temperature is also a big plus. And with 2.5 hours of use, it seems like the better option. But I've heard it can give you a plastic taste which is sort of a dealbreaker. Vapor quality is really important to me, as is stealth. 
    So, which one do you think I should go with and why? Or do you have any better suggestions? I want to stay in the same price range (around $100). 


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