One of my dogs wont stop begging

Discussion in 'Pets' started by Teal, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. I keep the treats on a desk and my dog paws at it so frequently to tell me she wants a treat that it's annoying. Sometimes she will linger around me staring at me and the second I flinch like I'm moving she tries to get me to follow her to the treats. No time of day is safe from her begging after she gets her loving when I get home she starts up. How can I get her to ask for treats less? I tried making her do tricks for them and that didn't work. I tried hiding the treats that didn't work either. I've tried weening her off them by giving in less frequently and that didn't work either. Any ideas?
  2. how about you give your dog 0 treats for 2 weeks and hide the bags so they never see it. then you'll see a change
  3. I agree, that is what I did with my dog. I used treats as part of his training in the beginning of his puppy stage but once he started "begging" for those treats when it was not called for, he no longer received treats. He would whine and look at my hands, and I would hold my hands out flat and let him sniff them and say "all gone."  I just kept doing that over and over, anytime he looked at my hands I would show them to him and say it. After a few days, it just got tedious for him, he started doing it less and less. After a few weeks, he stopped completely.
    He gets a treat once a week now. He doesn't get tiny expensive treats periodically throughout the day, he gets a raw lamb femur from the local butcher.  I find this works out much better, better for his health, better on my pocketbook, better for my sanity.
    You just need to stay firm and consistent and don't cave. He will get it eventually.
  4. Eat the treats in front of your dog that will show him

  5. Yeah only problem is I I have to get the four others in my house to commit. I appreciate the input guys!
  6. I have this prpblem too ...
    But my dog is also a weed theif ....
  7. Damn and I thought I had a problem
  8. You never fail to make me chuckle Omega, thank you once again for making my night shift that much easier
  9. :D

  10. :laughing: hahahahahahahha

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