The Interview: What are your thoughts?

Discussion in 'Movies' started by lessthanjeezy, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. I just seen that it is going to be in theaters on Christmas after all that bullshit, good shit tho cuz I did wanna see this.
  2. its available on youtube starting today for 5$
  3. you kno kim jong un is a horrible dictator who kills and impressions his citzens right? the NK population most likely doesnt even know this movie has been made, or whats been happening. i doubt  youd even be able to find information online if you googled " The interview canceled" in NK or China. 
    not sure what that has to do with what you bolded in my comment. 
  5. correct me if im wrong but you, among other people, seem to think that the NK people care, or even know about the movie and that it was shut down because of the overwhelming national pride and respect for their lead NK has. I just wanted to make sure you know that the cancellation was 100% because un was butt hurt, not because the country as a whole was offended. 
    oh, no. 
    no doubt the...reverence they hold for their oppressors is insane, there certainly wasnt any mass revolt like we saw when sony backed out of showing it. I know the number of people that would have any idea about the movie would be small. however kim jong un is in charge and has an "army" of cyber warriors, he could order them to do whatever he wants, they obviously have to do it or die. 
  7. oh yea, im not saying he sat down and did it, im sure there was some poor guy or two typing away trying to get into Sony because if they didnt, they and their families would be done. 
  9. you can rent it on youtube thats what im doing
  10. I just saw "White house down" with jaime foxx as president. That movie was so full of shit but it made millions in America. Freedom of speech.
  11. In my opinion this movie is clear fucking provocation. Of all the subjects, of everything one can imagine....they do a movie about killing an actual leader of a State. They don't even use fake name, or a fictitious person. 

    All of you claiming this is a breach of freedom of speech are fighting the wrong battle. So much attention was given to this...all to distract us from the shit going on around us. Social unrest, debt, warfare, privatization of prisons and of the military, loss of civil liberties...

    They want to release I movie like this, and everyone is surprised NK sent a threat??????? no fucking shit they are mad
  12. I have no asshole. It's was ok don't see what the hype was about.
  13. Is the movie good or what???
  14. You should watch it.
  15. I wouldn't say it is great, but it is definitely worth a watch
  16. I thought it was funny, always is when Seth Rogan and James Franco star in something together. 
    But.. It should not have gotten the attention it did, really over-exaggerated it being one of the best movies of 2014. 
  17. Worth a watch for sure. Not that great of a movie overall, like you said.
    James Franco has some pretty good acting in the movie in my opinion. One of his better performances.
  18. best marketing scheme ever. :laughing:
    Totally. I heard it wasn't even NK that hacked them it was a couple of ex-employee's. Apparently they are threatening to release a bunch of other info and stuff too. Not too sure what they want though, possibly just disgruntled. 
    I still plan on watching it though, it should have a few good dick jokes in it. 

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