Am I good?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by jimmysmokes, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. Why the fuck didn't you just say were smoking a cigarette and continued about your business. You had no reason to look suspicious until you mumbled some excuse and ran. 

  2. Under age stories are hilarious. So obvious and half the time, they don't have any common sense. Lol.
  3. I hate noisy neighbors like that but you shouldn't be paranoid at all. Your just smoking a cig and not weed so I don't know why you would be paranoid about that.

    A couple of days ago I had just finished smoking a bowl in my car and stood outside to smoke a cig when I saw a cop car slowly rolling up to me. He stops next to my car and asks if I was visiting someone. I told him ya I was visiting my friend and I'm just finishing my cig before I leave. He doesn't say anything to me for about 5 mins after I say that while still parked next to me then he says have a good night and I tell him you too and he leaves. Just be calm and don't act sketch and you will be good.
  4. Quit being so paranoid dude
  5. ...they will go away quick in order to watch you through the curtains/blinds until you are no longer in sight, ready to report even the most minor of illicit activities you take part in because you just made yourself more suspicious than any amount of proper answering could and not mind their own business because you sure told them good, didn't you?
  6. Lmao, that is the other possibility. I was responding to the OP doing nothing illegal though. For example, one time with my new car (18yo) I pulled into my friends driveway, doing nothing illegal. As I adjusted my parking angle his nosy neighbour asked "can I help you" to which I replied, "yeah, you could mind your own business." I guess if you're actually doing something illegal it's not always the best but I still stick to what I said.
  7. I mean.. I know second hand smoke kills but is an AR really necessary?
  8. Man, I wish I had the balls to do something like that. I'm mean to people I know but nice to randoms. Next time I'm going to be a fucking dick to someone if they try to be shitty towards me.
  9. It's all about the facade. I like the idea of sitting watchfully on your porch with a weapon close at hand (maybe not so extreme as an AR, but something like a shotgun or a morning star) just to make sketchy fucks go away. I never have been a fan of pulling up to some random guy's house and smoking in my/anyone's car, so you can bet I wouldn't be too pleased should someone roll up to my house and smoke in their car right outside

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