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Single-Serve Cannabutter Pot - Is this a thing?

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by cannabuddies, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. Does anyone know if something like this exists??  I need one. 
    I'm picturing something similar to a stove-top espresso maker. A single, relatively small pot with a handle and spout and two internal chambers; one at the bottom to boil water (obviously vented) and one on the top to melt butter and herb.  It would function like a small double boiler so you could make as little as one stick of butter at a time with no burning. The finished product could be poured through the screened spout to catch the waste and right into a tupperware container for the fridge.
    Would work for oil, chocolate, and coconut milk too.  Super easy to set up and one dish to clean.
    If anyone knows where I can get something like this, please point me to it.  If not, I'll try to design one for all of us ha!

  2. #2 PatrickXy6dC, Dec 22, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2014
    This type of stovetop espresso thing will not work.  There are holes  in the top portion which is normally where you would put the coffee.  The weed, water and butter would just all mix together and make a mess. What you're thinking about is a double boiler- water in the bottom, weed and butter in the top.
    Just read your post again.  If you got one of the larger espresso stovetop pots I guess.. sorry, I just can't think of how that would work.  You got the double boiler right.
  3. This does in fact work though correct?? Im looking at the Mota Pot now and am REALLY contemplating just getting a regular stove top expresso maker for like 1/3 of the price.....
  4. Just use an oven or toaster oven, its a way better idea.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  5. People have asked about the stovetop espresso pots before. I'd be concerned because the contact time between the butter and the cannabis would be so short. If you try this please be sure to decarb. We'll be waiting for your report. I have several of these stop top espresso makers and have made tea from a certain type of seed pod, but would not try it for canna butter. Good luck.

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