Smoking to improve quality of life? ADVICE NEEDED

Discussion in 'General' started by JakethaSnake, Dec 17, 2014.

  1. Everyone,
    \n\nI am a 24 year old college student (NO I AM NOT A LOSER!) who just stated going back to school in august.  Since going back to school, in august, I have had problems studying and staying focus. I also was being lazy with my gym habits as well.  
    \nClose to the end of the semester, I experimented with smoking and studying.  Before studying, I try to smoke very little to get a buzz, however im not trying to get blazed if that makes sense.   I had a history test that I pretty much started studying for the day before under the influence.  
    \nIn the end, I received an 82 on the History exam.  I believe that the green helps me study, because small amounts makes me focus on the task at hand and helps me retain the information just a little bit better.  I firmly believe had I been smoking and studying before this and more often,  I would of probably had a better grade on my exam and higher grades in the rest of my classes.
    \nGreen has also help me in life outside of school.  I have been going to the gym around 5 days a week  and I have been more productive in my house with cleaningup more than usual.
    \nWhile I do believe green has increased my quality of life, there are some cons.  I'm fairly new to the green game and I can get very high from 5 hits from a blunt and 1 hit from a bong/pipe.  This high usually last the majority of the day and sometimes I don't like it.  I have been trying to hydrate myself better and try to eat when I smoke or before to try to calm down my high.
    \nI also have problems typing on a keyboard when I am high as well. 
    \nCurrently I am taking a winter semester political science class.  I just stated monday and I have smoked prior to going to class on both days.  So far I like the professor, (He makes lots of jokes) and I feel I am learning in the class.  
    \nThe purpose of this thread is  log in my progress in the class while under the influence.  I have my first test in two weeks, so I will update then.  
    \nUntil then, I would like to hear others experiences with using small amounts of green to help you in life, whether its school or work or whatever.  Or if anyone has any advice on how to smoke and study, I welcome that as well.  
  2. Why would anyone think you were a looser for going to college?
  3. I think he's saying he's not a loser because he's in college.
  4. Whatever works.

    Some people get things done while high (especially with Sativas). Others use weed to reward them after the work is done.

    Weed also improves music, sex, food, tv, movies, nature, sports, video games, etc.

    Then you have medicinal and industrial uses.

    Miracle plant, for sure.
  5. It definitely makes things more entertaining and fun, but I warn you, it's expensive to be high all day everyday, and although it hasn't got addictive components, you start feeling like being sober is boring after a while of multiple times a day usage, so unless you can afford to buy all the weed you want, try not to use it for EVERYTHING, tolerance will skyrocket.
  6. So is OP a loser or not a loser I'm confused

  7. I actually smoked Sativa 2 weeks ago.  I felt really efficient with it.  It feels like a "Clean" high.  
    I was saying that just because im 24 and going to school doesnt make me a loser, as others have said in the past.
    Whoever said that going to school when you're 24 makes you a loser is just ignorant. Just keep your smoking to a reasonable level, don't let it interfere with your social life, your studying, or your health and you'll be fine. 
    Personally I've always found that weed leaves me more capable to focus on the task at hand so long as I keep the dosage to a minimum - meaning one or two one-hitters to get me buzzed.
  9. If u smoked some tweak I bet you would get a lot done in 24 hours as well.

    I firmly believe that weed is harmless and that people should have their own ways of pleasure but drugs don't make our lives better. They make it different but they don't do make it better. It was probably you who studied a little harder or tought of those things to do, no cannabis.

    this is my signature. Right here.

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