Its not against the law to bullshit the CBO?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SlowMo, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. The infamous deceiver-MIT economist, Johnathan Gruber, who helped lie to the stupid (his description, not mine) American people so Obamacare would be a hit, also knowingly provided the Congressional Budget Office a line of phony-ass shit just so the would score it in a more Obamacare-friendly way.
    Gruber's videotaped confession states that Obamacare “was written in a tortured way to make sure that the CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies.”"
    Since nobody could figure the O'care bill out, owing to its tortured ways, good ole master deceiver Gruber also helped convince CBO chief Doug Elemendorf to temporarily reverse years of CBO scoring practices because this particular bill was important to the Hope and Change elitists and needed a little extra help in the form of some different, more O'care friendly, guidelines to use in the scoring process.
    I guess it isn't an punishable offense for government stooges to provide "tortured" information to other government stooges or grossly distort the rules when it serves your interest. But I get threatened with fines and imprisonment if I even think about providing even the slightest misleading info to the fucking Feds.
    Go ahead - next year fill out your tax return "in a tortured way" and see what happens to you. See if you can buddy up to the IRS bureaucrats and convince them to alter years of past IRS guidelines by giving you special exemptions, just for you and nobody else, and you end up paying no tax instead of a helluva lot of tax. 

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  2. They depend on their base not caring if they lie or not to get away with it and it works.  They know their base and their base either want handouts or they hate America.
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  3. They can lie to the American people - politicians seem to do that almost as a matter of job description. But when they write a 2 or 3 thousand page bill that will affect one sixth of the fucking US economy with the intention of deceiving the Congressional Budget Office in order to affect its ability to accurately estimate the bill's cost burden to society, THAT should be a punishable offense! If deliberately providing false and/or misleading information to an official government undertaking is a federal crime, then this administration committed that crime in its presentation of the Affordable Care Act. 
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