Male,Female or Hermaphrodite

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by atticflowers, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. I havent read about this topic at all. I was wondering I had a female plant an harvested it an in done of the buds there were seeds. R these seeds female or its a toss up?
  2. #2 GoldGrower, Dec 15, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2014
    I'm not 100% on what your asking. Proof reading is really worth doing btw.
    I guess you are asking if you had seed in your bud, will they be feminised or regular. This will depend on if the pollen came from a male or a female. I'll assume you don't have any males otherwise you probably wouldn't be asking this. So either you had some stray pollen blown in from outside or a female has pushed out some male flowers and either pollinated itself or other females. Being the latter the seeds would be feminised, and being the former they would be regular. I would say the latter is the most common occurrence for seeds 
  3. like i said i havent read nothing on this topic anywhere! If i get seeds from a female plant, are the seeds female too?
  4. well i found my answer to this question: my female plants gave me toss up seeds ( male an female seeds ). i planted 4 seeds an 2 turned out to be male. The seeds were from a female plant that i grew from feminized seeds.
  5. No one says toss up plant it's a hermi
    The answer is my post that you just quoted
  7. Toss up meaning male or female I could have sworn I put that in parentheses lol.
  8. It would have to be when u said the plant pollinated itself, thanks Double G. I jus thought u always needed a separate plant for that, or maybe a hermie can do it school is always in secession wit u lol I've learned quite a bit from u. Seriously thanks for the wisdom. R u still gonna do the journal about breeding plants, if u do its gonna be a follow/read.

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