Anyone want to play games while high?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by TioOG/420, Dec 13, 2014.

  1. #1 TioOG/420, Dec 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 13, 2014
    Anyone want to play video games while high together? I have a xbox 360,xbox one,ps3,ps4 and pc so If you have any of these leave your gamer tag and leave what system it is on and I'll add you. I have quite a lot of games more likely I will have some of yours. Whats your favourite games to play while blazing? My favourite games are Minecraft,COD zombies,The Simpsons hit and run,Any Ratchet and Clank(3 being the best),GTA series,Red Dead Redemption,Skyrim,Fallout 3 and NV,Farcry 3 and 4,Assassins Creed series,Borderlands series,Batman Arkham series,Just cause 2,Dead Island and riptide,Dead Rising series,Sleeping dogs,Battlefield 3,4 and BC2,Any COD,Halo series,Destiny,GT4,5,6,Need for Speed series,Forza series,Burnout series,State of Decay,Day z and telltales The Walking Dead.

  2. If you are playing Borderlands: the pre-sequel I am travilanche on PS3. Such a criminally underrated series.
  3. Add me up. I have 360/X1 GT: WAT IZ JUICE
  4. Add me up bruh xbox one
    Gta, diablo, call of duty, destiny, dragon age,

    Eye Get Money B

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