Why Believe the Big Bang Model?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by NorseMythology, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. The BBM advocates are now saying the universe literally arose from absolutely nothing. Even Hawkins has abandoned the black hole and singularity stuff. Maybe he wants to be remembered and knows the present course will leave him and the BBM crew out when it finally crumbles. Who knows. I am happy to see so many of you open to the notion physics has it wrong and we may need a new model. There are plenty waiting to fight for the crown, i just hope it doesnt become another dogma, its bad enough religion is suffused with it.
  2. I agree so lets not put any theory or scientists into a position of dogmatic auhority. Like that knucklehead Tyson on Cosmos, the new face for bogus science. Mainstream mediabpushing this garbage as fact... since when does the controlled media want an informed population? And that nonsense with Barbara Walters on the most fascination people... all celebrities, no one fascinating. Taylor Swift is fascination to those who are star struck... kind of like wannabe scientists (like myself) who should be starstruck with their shiny new smart guy, Tyson. Dont fall for it. To be clear Ive read his book(s) so i am not just being a prick.
  3. The man actually is very intelligent, earned his right. As did dr mitsukaku or however it's spelled. I agree the bbt is losing ground, but don't shoot down scientist that are helping bring science back into the hearts and minds of children and adults. Doesn't hurt anyone to learn more about te sciences, and opening their minds to other possibilities.

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  4. I think you are guilty of extremist thinking. There is a middle ground.

    Tyson is a brilliant man and he is doing a lot of good in the world.

    When its proven that tje bbt is incorrect, the mainstream will addapt.

    Its not like there is a conspiracy to hide the truth. Its just scientific arrogance

    There are a lot of conspiracies to hide the truth in science.
    Like the leaked hacker files out of the U.K. of scientists falsifying Global Warming data to show global warming quickening.
    The Out Of Africa theory in which all humans originated in Africa.  The proof against that theory has been fought tooth and nail against.
    It doesn't matter how reality works or what path it took to get here.  All that matters is the path forward, but since much of debatable science has everything to do with what we are, where we started and what we're here for - it tends to be more a game of altruistic/atheistic/dogmatic reality shaping on cultural scales.  At which point, only the truth necessary is useful or acceptable.
  6. The out of Africa Theory is still assumed true. The multi regional theory still asserts that we came from Africa in a mass exodus in the past. Have any links to refute?

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  7. super legit youtube video incomming
  8. Lol I hope not, I'm actually curious if there are other theories out there that can hold ground with the multi regional theory. I'm always down to be proven wrong on scientific subjects, helps me learn.

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  9. I've found that having sex or even jerking off helps me not want to engage in pointless unprovable arguments.....
    just sayin....................... :wave:
  10. Awesome thank you! Though from my initial reading other sites about it, the dating of the skull and other remains vary wildly from 50,000-800,000 years old. So they need to figure that out before I can back the idea.

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  11. #33 Informant, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
    No problem!
    The skull is missing.  Someone stole it. =)
  12. When you use the phrase 'mainstream science', you've lost any case you could of had..
  13. #35 wanderingtoker, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
    It's at least interesting to ponder, right mantikore?Though the site was pretty conspiracy seeming to me, so I may be far off base.

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    Everything is interesting to ponder on.. I was simply commenting on the 'mainstream science' cause that is a joke. There really is no mainstream science, it's a term used by those who think there is a huge conspiracy to coverup knowledge.
    Haha.  When you use absolutes it tends to have the same effect. ;)
    You couldn't be more wrong.  Mainstream seems to be the keyword that's prompting your ire.  So, if semantics is the deciding factor in this, let me change it for you. 
    Peer-review science.  Which, for all intensive purposes, is "mainstream" science.  There aren't independent labs out there just "doing science" without the agenda of profiting off of a specific endeavor.  It's academics who receive grants and endowments to research very specific and often department approved or directed research. This leads to a body of work that isn't "inspired" as much as it is necessary to advance ones status and that of ones research institution within the main themes of modern thought.
    So, it's mainstream science.
  17. scientists admit they're wrong(usually) when they're wrong.  That's the whole point of science.  Science is about discovery AND FUCKING FACTS.

  18. Though grants and the like are what help these groups research, it's not the driving force behind the discoveries that are made. Science isn't ruled by money like so many are trying to make it seem.

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