Please help: I need to identify if my plant is going hermie or not

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Sam5a, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. The breaker tripped two times on different day which caused a huge delay in the start of light hours and extended the dark period for those days, today while I was examining my girls I notice some pods are developing at the nods I took a pick of them and plucked some of them off and placed them on the palm of my hand.
    \nThe title says it all, if those are male flower how should I deal with them?


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  2. #2 waktoo, Dec 9, 2014
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2014
    Those are calyxes.  Girly parts.  The first picture shows the pistils that grow out of them (if left on the plant, lol!).  If/when the pistils are fertilized with pollen, that's where the seed will eventually grow.  Nothing to worry about...  yet.
    If all you did was EXTEND the dark period, there should be no problem.  If your plant has hermaphroditic tendencies, these will express them selves only when the dark cycle is interrupted (or subjected to some other kind of extreme environmental "stress" on a regular basis).  light stress happens when there are light leaks in the flowering space, when you enter your flowering space too often during lights out, or when the power is interrupted during the light cycle and is out for long enough that the plant goes to "bed", and then the power is reestablished during the normal "light on" cycle, which will always happen since the timers that operate the lights run on the same electricity.  If I'm around and awake when the power goes out, I always turn the light timers off so the lights don't come back on when power is reestablished.  I'll then make sure to get the timers turned back on when the normal light cycle is supposed to run.  Plants can generally be exposed to light "stress" a few times without having to worry about the herm' issue.  Light leaks are what really mess things up.
    Keep an eye out.  This will help you identify herm'/male parts if they pop up later... 


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