Space case kief question

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by K3V1N., Dec 1, 2014.

  1. Obviously you wont get much kief if you don't shake it. Why the hell not shake it? you can get like 10 bowl tops of kief from just shaking the grinded herb. no coin needed.
  2. I can tell you right now your screen isn't as fine as his is, and neither is your kief.

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  3. #23 enjoyandlive, Dec 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 18, 2014
    My kief is as fine as my screen is. :)

    I don't really give a fuck about his screen my dude all i basically said was you can get a ton of kief from a quarter if you use the grinder effectively.
  4. I use my grinder to grind. Not pulverize my bud into kief sized specs. The bud actually gets you noticeably higher too if you don't shake the fuck ou of it. To each their own though. You aren't the first hard headed person I've tried to talk to about this.
  5. go find a new thread, nobody gives dude.

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  6. Also make sure to not be flipping the grinder upside down. Clogs the screen quick.
  7. a Troll has been unraveled in the dirt, its taken years of hard shoveling by the hardened workers, However it all payed off due to such a unique finding beneath the rubble. The workers asked the troll "What are you doing all the way down here" Troll then replied "being useless and not contributing to anything". He put on some sunglasses and dug himself back into the earth.
  8. #28 wumboshouse, Dec 19, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2014

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