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First Grow ~LED~ Chemdawg

Discussion in 'Indoor Grow Journals' started by LordSosa, Dec 1, 2014.

  1. #1 LordSosa, Dec 1, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2014
    Hey GS!!!
    Excited to post my first grow here and hopefully not make a fool of myself. :blink:  :blink:  :blink:
    Anyways my set up is as follows:
    Gorilla grow tent 4x4 (the original one not the lite) it measures 4'x4'x6'11"
    Using G light (breathable fabric pot) 3 gallon planning on finishing them in 5 gallons
    also have some in makeshift pots.
    my light is The Advance Spectrum MAX 450 Watt 3w-Chip Modular LED grow panel. (from growace)

    I have a phresh carbon filter 6"x16" attached to a HyperFan Stealth 6"(315 cfm) running at 35 watts comes with a fully adjustable speed controller. :bongin:
    Inside the tent I have a Honeywell fan I bought from target should I invest in those 6" Air King Clip fans?!
    Now a little bit on the grow :metal:
    They are potted in FoxFarms Ocean Forest.
    Currently growing 9 chemdawgs :hippie:
    Grown from seed. (not feminised) using the cup of water method for germination.
    Thinking of only keeping 4 and introducing a SCROG.
    The 4 bigger plants were planted on November 10, 2014.
    Followed by the rest of them on November 15, 2014.
    Dont know sex of plants yet they are on 18/6 currently.
    Planning on cloning and sexing the clone to find my 4 GURLSSS :ey: :ey: :ey: :ey: (pics coming soon)
    This is my first grow so any advice would be AWESOME! planning on introducing the FOXFARM nute trio next watering. :bongin:
    At first I thought I had my light to far away so I moved it up only to find it dries out the leaves followed by coneing of the first fan leaves....weird some are still canoed even though the rest of the foiliage is fine, maybe its a strain thing?! also i dropped my fan on them so thats the damage you seen on the leaves.... :eek:
    Anyways I just finished LST'ing them (12/1)  to get them ready for the SCROG. I topped the 4 bigger ones Yesterday (12/30) so here we go guys buckle in. :smoking:


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  2. So yesterday's LST (Low Stress Training) was kind of weak I felt, so I added some paper clips today as staples to move/ hold stuff out of the way to maximize light penetration the the newer growth. Dont be shy people I dont bite ;) any feedback is welcome.
  3. Those are just sprouts, you don't want to start LST until you have some nodes to work with. Most people do a scrog with the net around 12-18" from the top of the pots. So when the plants reach the height of the screen that's when you start LST. Gotta let them veg naturally for a while, you wont have to worry about light penetration at this point.
  4. I just tuck

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  5. #8 LordSosa, Dec 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2014
    That awkward moment when you LST too early :hide: :confused_2: :hide:

    Well what's done is done (for now I'm at work). Will post pics of 24 hour progress later tonight.

    They've already been topped but not recovered yet, just experimenting I guess.

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  6. Nothing awkward about it! It a growing experience:) I hope its not too early because I've heard to wait until the fifth node to start to top and LST but I'm excited to see how your girls turn out.  Here is a link for SCROG that may be helpful in your techniques. Good luck. I'm subbed.

  7. #10 LordSosa, Dec 3, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 3, 2014
    okay guys finally got some time to run in there and check them out heres a pic opening the tent up.
    the main focus is on the bigger ones seeing as they were the ones trained the hardest.
    first one :smoke:
    second one :bongin:
    third one :smoking:
    so some branches popped the clips out of the ground and they definetly kept growing like nothing even happend :yay: which im assuming is good here are some more pics I redid some of the bindings and what not.
    and then the closing of the tent :metal:
    gotta work over time tomorrow so I guess thursday ill be building my scrog net will post pics on that and keep yall updated on this grow.
    wtf the pics dont come up.... just kidding figured it out.
    thanks for that link! its really on point with its info ive read it like 5 times and feel like im still not ready to build my scrog on thursday :yummy:
  9. Anytime. I read it like 50 times!!! lol. Its amazing. Just the process and it is a very delicate technique that basically guarantees bigger yields when done correctly. I want to learn it upside down, sideways and backwards LOL
    I look forward to seeing that SCROG.
  10. Hope work is well. Looking forward to see your girls! I'm guessing that have gotten BIG since the last time we've seen them:)
  11. hey guys sorry to leave you all in suspense, have been really busy as of late and have not had the time i would have liked to thoroughly document the growth but here they are on (12/10)
    enjoy will post better pics tomorrow  :smoke:
  12. okay guys here is the big update :hello: :hello: :hello:
    this is them on (12/11) at about a month old they are recovering from a topping i gave them on sat/sunday unfortunetly do to circumstances out of my control I might be moving soon so im not going to throw them under a scrog seeing as im moving in the next month or 2. so the LST continues here are some pics....
    opening of the tent. here in black and white to that darn LED lol
    they are getting tall and bushy!!!!
    i finally numbered them off here goes the whole lot of em, will be flipping too flower in about 2 weeks i think...
    #7 (dont know why 7 got no pics lol)
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    back in the tent
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    closing her up :bongin:
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  13.  Your girls are getting big! I do see some LST initiated on your plants.... did you decide against the SCROG? I remember you were unsure if you would have the time to make it. Thanks for the update. Looking good.
  14. We must have been posting at the same time yesterday. I just read all of your update. Just rock with the LST, those girls look nice and bushy. Good luck with the move!
  15. Potted up guys there all sitting in 5 gallons will be flipping to flower in about 2 weeks ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1418572691.975899.jpg

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  16. Looking good. I'm wondering did you transplant three times or twice? You have been showing your girls a lot of love and it looks like they are responding. Yeah a few more weeks and you'll def be ready to get those babies into harvest. How do you plan to transition her into harvest????

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