I am legend vampires...

Discussion in 'The Bookshelf' started by SqueezetheGrape, Nov 28, 2014.

  1.  I have been really bugged by the personalities and physical traits of The undead beast vampires vs the vampires that retained their sanity. 
    Were they all afraid of garlic, mirrors, and religious symbols? I know it turned out in the book that it was most likely psychological, but how would an undead beast vampire even be able to rationalize what those items are? And how would a vampire with the ability to have logic and reason feel any type of way about it? I can understand the religious symbols to an extent, as it represents their religion being a joke and a lie. But the rest of it makes no sense to me as to how a collective of vampires could all mutually fear the same distinct things if their is no biological reason behind it.
    I also dont quite understand how the vampires who are only infected had such a hard time managing to co-exist with the main character. Do the vampires lose all memory of their history before the infection? Do they have a lack of understanding of what happened to society? They killed the living dead as well in attempts to establish a society, so they share the common trait of wanting them dead. I just dont see the huge distinct differences between the infected and the main character outside of their weird vampire traits such as sunlight hurting them. When he came out to be executed and everyone looked in horror, i dont quite understand what made him so horrific in image. 
    As far as I am concerned, seemed like he was not very different from any of the infected or why they thought of him as an enemy from the start. Why did they try so hard to get him to leave his home before he was causing trouble?
    I guess at some point, the discovery of rational thinking infected would make me at least try to figure out a way to co exist in a new society and world.

  2. I thought they were more like.. mutated-zombie'ish-UV sensitive-radiation people, rather than vampires..
    zombification would account for loss of memory, cannibalism, and pain threshold;  but they aren't "undead" like vampires are..nor are they the "reanimated dead" as zombies are.. these creatures are very much alive.. but the mutations have made them UV-sensitive, and the last of their humanity holds on to social behaviors, even with a lack of cuneiform or known language.. it's almost as if they're in 99% primal mode, 1% humanity level exists in the minds of these mutated hybrids.

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