Random introduction to her Boyfriend?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by jizzledfreq, Nov 26, 2014.

  1. I met this girl at a work related event about a month ago, we talked a bit and she seemed to be into me.

    Ever since I've seen her from time to time partying up where I work with friends.

    I wasn't flirting with her or trying to persue more than friendship, but she definitely is a cool chick, great personality, real cute.

    I felt it was weird that she came in for an event and introduced me to her boyfriend. It just seemed random and kind of awkward for everybody :laughing: Why did she wait so long to even mention a boyfriend, and why did she introduce her boyfriend to me?

    He left without her a few hours later, and she left with a girlfriend wasted a while after him.
  2. You just got friend zoned big time.

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