How to GAIN weight?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Burghy, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. I'm a 20 year old guy. 6ft 3in and 175 lbs.
    I really want to be weighing on at 190.
    How do I put on 15 lbs of healthy weight and how long should this process take?
  2. Im 23, 6" even. 135. I got no fucking idea man.
  3. up ur calories 175x20=3,500 thats how many cals it takes to maintain ur weight now dont forget to lift and dont do alot of cardio untill you are ready to slim down
  4. Eat more, eat healthy, work out. Cardio and weight training.
  5. Drink a 12 case of beer every night, you'll put on weight in no time!
    Honestly man, you just have to eat more. But eat more legit food. More actual meat. Chicken, steak, ribs, fish, anything. Lots of carbs, lots of leafy greens. If your actually 6'3 and only 175(I'm 6'2 and around 200) you probably aren't eating all that much food per day.
    And of course lift heavy. Squats, Deadlifts, Bench press, really any compound lift.
  6. you don't need more calories, you need more quality protein and fiber.
    if you consume somewhere from 0.5 g - 1.0 g of protein pet lb of body weight and have a dedicated weight lifting routine you'll start gaining mass. 
    that said, carbohydrates are important for gains, but most diets are high in carbs anyways.
    the most important thing is to use quality ingredients for your protein and carb sources.... 
    of course you can just "up" your calories by eating more pizza and drinking more beer, i'm not sure that's the kind of weight you'd want ;)
    If you are perfectly consistent (getting enough sleep, never missing meal or workout) it will take less time. Get up early each day and eat smaller meals throughout the day- oats, chicken, yams, as many veggies as you want, tons of water, cut back on diuretics like coffee and alcohol.
  8. Increase caloric intake, water consumption & get ample sleep.

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  9. I have the same problem with gaining weight, in fact my target weight last winter was 190+ and I started around 170 or a little less, I was able to get to 192 lbs but it takes a lot of fucking work and you can't skimp out of anything. Eat, eat, eat... carbs are crucial so you're body burns that as energy rather than fat and therefore you won't lose weight. 
    Difference in my case and yours is I went with a dirty bulk and ate whatever/whenever because I know regardless of my total caloric intake I'd be taking in enough carbs/protein to help me add weight/gain muscle... this is still the same in your case, but it'll be a lot more difficult. With the dirty bulk, I was able to gain over 20 pounds in about 2 months or maybe a little more. Not sure whether that's good or not, I have a very high metabolism so it only added to the level of difficulty. 
  10. If you weight gaining issues, you might have some sort of thyroid gland problem. Most get hugely fat, as seen in Americans. I have the opposite, I cannot gain weight at all.
  11. i have a hard time with it too, I find myself going hungry too often during busy crisis times.  but if i really force that food down consistently (good clean food of course) then weight happens.. I have to be in a good mental state otherwise its just like FUCKIT
    make sure youre taking at least two dumps a day.   Currently Im not... and im weak as fuck.  I just ate two pieces of bread with butter and an avocado with some milk for dinner.  bc im in a hurry, and i havent been eating much anyway so i can get by.  But normally I would need 6 or 8 slices of bread along with much much moar.. 
    Hugh Jackman said that when he got all fucking ripped and sexy (nh) for Wolverine (or maybe swordfish), he looked at the eating like working out.  Something you really have to manhandle and force..  The manhandle and force part is by me, not Hugh.
    And yes CARBS are big too, if you track your food(livestrong) I bet 5 dollars that you will be way low on carbs even if you thought otherwise.  I saw a picture of Lebron James looking very skinny, the article said something about cutting all the carbs back in the offseason. Must be true right.
  12. You'll need the right caloric surplus. Eating 16-18x your bodyweight in calories a day should see you putting on a pound a month at least. So approximately 3230 calories a day on average. You just want that to be your week average, but eating there will put you at a surplus above your resting metabolic rate of calorie burning.
  13. #14 well highdrated, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
    how do you suggest someone eats 3230 calories? 
    3-4 meals. Id suggest 25% 1-3 hours before a workout, 25% immediately post-workout, and 50% at night.
    Though if you dont exercise at all and live a sedentary life you can eat less and gain weight... probs 2900-3000. You will find that 3230 calories isnt much as long as you dont eat foods that make you full or are calorie dense. I recommend liberal use of peanut butter
    that's 4 meals a day at 800 cals. seem like a lot of stuff consider. 
    why do you suggest liberal use of peanut butter... just to get more calories? 
    i think a more simple approach would be to increase the protein intake to ~ .75g pr lb of bodyweight.. and don't worry about calories.
    what you should eat:
    - organic eggs
    - avocados
    - nuts
    - legumes
    - chicken (grass fed, natural, pasture-raised, all that)
    - high quality natural protein powders
    - spirulina
    - high quality meat
    - organic fish
    - tons of veggies
    - plenty of fruit
    avoid pastas, breads, simple sugars... i'd stay away from most processed dairy products as well. 
  16. #17 Mahakali 420, Dec 10, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 10, 2014
    Yeah more calories, dietary fat and protein to some degree. 3 meals at 1000 calories a day isnt that bad depending on your appetite and I think you could easily habituate to it. It is kind of alot to think about though, especially since so many people are good at getting fat without even trying lol
  17. You're 175 and want to gain!? Fuck dude I'm 22, 6 foot even and weigh 130.
    That is cadaverously thin though, I'm 6'2 and 185 and I'm quite slim, I could definitely stand to gain some weight.
    You could gain 50 pounds and still be at a healthy weight.
  19. I'm aware I'm very under weight. I've been 130-140 for a few years now. I have a terrible appetite. Or I just don't eat enough to even have an appetite. I need to fix my eating problem but I'm having trouble figuring out what to do.

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