dark souls 2 coming to xbone and ps4

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by modestMOOSE, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Just saw they're porting over DS2, wish it was the first one instead or had it included. Put a lot of hours into the second but still havent played the first.
  2. I'm pretty salty about this.
    You should play the first Dark Souls, it has a charm the second one lacks.
  3. Hm, this is interesting news. I loved Demon Souls but never played Dark Souls. I might have to check it out
  4. Yeah I had it when it was free with games on gold for 360 and I got past the Taurus demon but my controllers left stick would stick so id constantly be walking off ledges n shit so I just never picked it back up. What are your thoughts on bloodborne?
    I said I wasn't going to get my hopes up after Dark Souls 2 but Bloodborne looks amazing. It's being done by the team that did Demon's Souls so I'm pretty hyped. I'm worried about it only running at 30fps and any downgrades it might have graphically but as it looks now I love it.
    Dark Souls 2 was a good game, don't let me fool you it just wasn't outstanding in the way Demon's Souls and Dark Souls were.
    I'll still probably get the rerelease for PC when the new version drops. Hopefully it will actually look like the E3 demos.
  6. Yeah im pumped for bloodborne, really the only reason I decided to upgrade to ps4 so soon even though its still like 4 months out. I wouldn't be shocked if it gets delayed again though.
  7. I have over 200 hrs in Dark Souls 2 so unless they have added some new stuff Im guessing I already did it 10 times over.
    Vicious is 100% spot on.
    Darksouls felt so epic and the level design was genius with how everything intertwined. Darksouls 2 was fun but not as epic. I didn't have the same sense of accomplishment after beating it the first time.
    I am hoping to score a cheap ps3 on blackfriday just to play DemonSouls and The last of Us on. 

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