No indictment in ferguson

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by travilanche, Nov 25, 2014.

  1. Some folks are in too deep to change their opinion now of what happened regardless of facts.  They made up their minds months ago when only one side of the story was available.
  2. Where is the President in all this?

    Someone turn on the news for him
    Wanting to overstep judicial boundaries. If anybody should stay out of it, it's him.
    The prosecutor, who is extremely pro-cop, said that he wasn't going to charge to Wilson from the get go.
    He should not been put in charge on the investigation.
    Then you have investigators who did suspicious things. The person who was in charge of measuring the distance between the shooter and the victim didn't do their job. They claimed the battery in their camera was dead and that there was no point in measuring the distance because it was self-explanatory. What the actual fuck?
    and no incident report any reasonable time after a police shooting? Again, what the fuck?
  6. Literally everything in this post is parroting the media. You have to do better than that. There are still pictures of the crime scene. Just because one guy didn't have batteries doesn't mean they are going to just say fuck it. Like Jesus fucking Christ, do you actually believe that horse shit?
    No it's absolutely true.
    The prosecutor was dead set against charging Wilson since day one.
    and many investigators failed to do their job properly out of sloppiness or flat out bias.
    Just because certain media suggest something doesn't mean it's automatically false. What kind of logic is that?
  8. The jury made the decision based on evidence. 
    So did those who decided OJ Simpson was innocent.
    A prosecutor who doesn't do their job for whatever reason can make all the difference.
  10. I am white, and I am glad O.J. Was found innocent. We are talking about putting people in prison here. Locking them in a cage for decades. Going to prison is the absolute worst thing that can happen to you. If there is any shred of doubt at all, no matter how small it is, and no matter how damning the rest of the evidence is, you have to vote not guilty.
  11. #132 Sgtstadanko707, Nov 26, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2014
    I believe he has a 6:45 tee time. Need to get his sleep.
  12. You know this could have happened to anyone of use
    Put yourself in the officers position and say you are a home owner late at night in your bedroom and a 300 plus pound madman attacks you, You shoot and he still comes you shoot again and again and then he drops only after the last bullet connect with a stopping point.
    The threat is over you now can breath a sigh of relief.
    Not the same as being a Cop but similar, I would not ever want to have to be in that position to have to take a life
    I feel bad for all involved.
  13. He's sitting back watching his plan to tear apart America from the side lines
  14. I feel bad for the guy that's getting the death threats for doing his job and defending himself against a fucking thug thanks to the NY Times' decision to publish his family's home address. You can't make up how ass backwardsly stupid this entire affair is. 
    Yep. This has never been about what actually happened. It's about we either get white man's blood or riot - take your pick grand jury - and don't bore us with the facts. They picked evidential reality over racist delusion. A pleasant change, if ya ask me.
    I have been saying the same things since August. The official story checked out. We waited for the evidence just for people to downright IGNORE it.
    I wonder how many people rioting tonight have actually read the evidence released by the grand jury. Even a little bit of it?
    I bet it's fucking zero
  18. Like Stephen Colbert always says, you don't want to ruin what feels true with facts. Truthiness feels better.

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